- ghetto white boy pt 3[florian munteanu]

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I asked for 45 votes and y'all got it to 80! Thank y'all so much!

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I sat in the back while we drove Florian's house. Nia, him, and Rome were talking about only God knows what while I was on my phone watching Netflix. We've been driving for approximately an hour and a half we still weren't there. The drive from Alabama State to Mountain Brook is approximately an hour and twenty-two minutes, but Nia and Rome were hungry for wings and we had to stop at Wing Stop, and you already know wing stop takes forever to make them small ass wings.

Florian had dropped both Nia and Rome at the entrance and then pulled off to find a parking spot. He parked a little farther from the shop underneath a street light. I swear if I wasn't so rational we would have fucked right there in the car.

"Why are you sitting back there? Come upfront." He said looking at me through the mirror. I shrugged my shoulders and went back on my phone.

"I'll just come back there." He said, and before I could even process what he was doing he got out of the car and sat in the back with me.

"Man, what you doing back here?" I asked turning to him.

"Oh, now you want to talk to me?" He said kissing bus teeth. I didn't say anything and instead, I tried to text Nia to hurry up. Keyword tried. Before I could even type anything he snatched my phone from my hand.

" Bruh give me back my phone!" I yelled trying to reach for it.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Here, you could have it back now." He said giving it back to me. I yanked my phone from his hands and tried to get off of his lap but he held me down.

"Ion' like all that attitude you've been giving. Don't let me fuck you up." He said gripping my neck.

I didn't want to, but I found myself moaning from Florian's sudden aggressive behavior. "You like that shit don't." He said kissing my cleavage. He held my hips with one of his hands and slowly started to move me against him.

"In not about to do this with you, Florian." I said looking down at him. Lust clouded his eyes before he pulled me down and kissed me.

The kiss was hot and passionate as Florian's tongue ventured my mouth. I no longer needed him to move my hips because I was now doing it my self. His growing dick pressed right against, and when it was fully erect I couldn't help but gasp.

"I told you this pink dick wasn't small." He said pulling away.

I don't know what came over me but I found myself running my hands down his chest to the hem of he sweatpants. I palmed his hard-on through his sweats and watched him try to stop groaning by biting his lips. My hands moved into his pants, and right when I was going to grab him Nia called.

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