- brad wing

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"Remember, she's allergic to shell fish so don't feed her any. Also, I left 50 dollars on the table for take out if guys get hungry since I didn't cook tonight. Don't let her over eat because she has gymnastics practice in the morning and her bed time is at 9." You rushed out.

This the first time in years after having your daughter Sunni, that you went to party. Yeah, you've been out with your friends before, but you were always home at seven or eight. You never stayed out past that time so it scared you to death that you were leaving Sunni alone with her babysitter.

Rachel, Sunni babysitter, was an exceptional sitter and you knew she wouldn't intentionally harm Sunni. You trusted her with Sunni life, but that didn't mean you didn't worry still.

"I think she gets it." Sunni huffed.

"I guess that's my cue to bounce." You chuckled.

"I think it is." Rachel said laughing.

"Alright, love you." You said kissing Sunni.

"Love you too." She said kissing you back.

You hugged Rachel goodbye before you walked to your car and got in. You went to your messages to copy and paste the directions Odell gave you. Odell was your cousin on your mom side. You two practically grew up together but ever since you had Sunni you guys kind of drifted apart.

He was a big time NFL player that liked to party and have fun while you were a single mother that life revolves around your daughter and work. You loved Odell, but you couldn't carry the same habit of partying and getting drunk every night. You and a child and she came first.


You walked into the pulsing party, unsure what to do next. You didn't know anybody their and the things people were doing weren't for you.

"Nala, is that you?" You heard someone yell over to the music.

You turned around and came face to chest with your football player cousin.

"Odell!" You yelled jumping into his arms.

Odell spun you around before he placed you back on the floor. "I can't believe you made it." He said hugging you again.

"Happy 25th Birthday bro." You said handing him a small box that you wrapped.

Odell took the present and said, "thank you." He gave you a hug a kissed your cheek before he turned around to guy you didn't notice was standing there.

"Nala, meet Brad, the punter for New York Giants." Odell said smiling.

"H-hi." You said shaking his hand.

For some odd reason your heart rate began speed up.

"Hi." He said slowly shaking your hand, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Could you take Nala to go get something to drink." Odell said walking away.

"Sure." Brad said.

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