- jino

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I've been saying this a lot lately but I really don't know what I just wrote...

I've been saying this a lot lately but I really don't know what I just wrote

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Note: I didn't know who to pick so choose whoever. I added their @'s if you guys need it for educational purposes...


"We can't keep doing this. I can't keep sneaking around with you all the time. I'm done." You said as you hastily put on your pants.

Jino rolled his eyes as he watched you mutter incoherent things to yourself. You said the same thing last week but here you were putting on your clothes after the two of you had some rough sex.

You yourself already knew what Jino was thinking and it only fueled your anger and disappointment more. You always tell Jino that you're done with the causal sex, but somehow you always found yourself picking up the phone and calling him to come over or vice versa.

Before you met Jino you were a strong woman, now you were just putty and one of his many booty calls.

Putting on your shoes, you didn't look up at Jino as he got up from the bed and walked around his massive room naked. Any other time you would look up to get a perfect view of his naked glory, but this time you were so ashamed that you couldn't even bring yourself to look at him.

What was supposed to be just casual sex between you turned into you falling for Jino and you didn't know what to do.

From the year that you've known Jino, you learned that he doesn't do relationships. He doesn't harbor any feelings for anyone, and you would be damned if you poured your heart out to him and looked stupid.

This wasn't some story where the good girl comes and melt the bad boy heart. No, it's the story of a girl who has fallen for a man she knows who is incapable of loving her back and trying to move on.

Jino walked into the bathroom to take a shower and you quickly grabbed his phone and unlocked it. From what his men have told you, you were the only person that had his password but as of right now that didn't matter. You pressed onto his contact and blocked your number from his phone before deleting your number and the two of you messages. You did the same thing to your phone, and when you were done you grabbed your things and left.

Jino heard the door close and let out an exaggerated sigh. He didn't know that would be the last time he would see you.

When you got home you hopped into the shower and scrubbed Jino off of you. Once you were done you grabbed a box you had in your closet and began to throw all of the clothes and shoes Jino bought you into the box. In the morning you would drive down to the clothes donation and donate them.

As for the jewelry, you placed it in a small box and stored it away in the back of your closet on the top shelf underneath your clothes.

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