- red hood

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For years ago you would have never thought you would be fighting the man you loved. Four years ago when you would lay eyes on him your heart would flutter. Now, you can't even look at him without your blood boiling and your skin crawling.

How could he, how could he work for them. How could he work with the League. After all they did he and the rest of your friends were working for then. Just the thought of it absolutely disgusted you.

"I don't want to hurt you Y/N." He said blocking your hit. You manage break away from his grip and punch him, sending him flying to the other side.

"Fight me coward!" You yelled walking over to him.

"I won't." He breathed. You used your telekinesis and picked him up. You flung him into the building making him go through.

You transported over to him and grabbed his armor. You pulled him up and began to repeatedly punch him. You bunched him so much that his masked managed to crack.

"Fight me!" You yelled angrily.

"No." You heard him say weakly. You punched him again, and this time you managed to break his helmet. Your fist stopped midair as you stared at his bruised face. The bruised face you still loved.

"Ahhh!" You yelled punching him.

"Hit me!" You yelled.

"I'll never put my hands on you Y/n." He said fueling your anger.

You got off of him and flung him back outside where all the chaos was occurring. "You can continue to hurt me, hurt me till you kill me, but I won't lay a finger on you." He said looking at you.

"Why!" You yelled picking him by his neck.

"Because I love you." He said staring deep into your eyes.

You teleported the both of you to the top of the roof. "Why? I gave you every reason to hate me." You said with your back facing him.

"The love you have for someone doesn't just disappear Y/N. No matter how much someone tries to bury it deep within themselves it will always be there." He said. You could hear him struggle as he tried to get up.

"Funny, because you didn't seem to love me when you left me for your bat family." You chuckled bitterly.

"I didn't leave you Y/N." He said turning you around to face. "You left me. When I told you about my reconciliation with Batman you left." He said.

"Who wouldn't have Jason?" You yelled, tears running your face.

"Someone who loved me!" He yelled back with the same amount of emotion.

"Don't you dare. I loved you just as much you loved me." You said stepping to him.

"So if you loved me, why would you leave me! You left and fell off the face of the earth without any trace." He said with tears running down his face.

"Because I wasn't any good okay." You said crying.

"What?" He said pulling you into him. "You were more than good for me, you were perfect." He said cupping your face. "You were the only good I actually had in my life." He said staring into your eyes.

The tears ran down your face and Jason wiped them. You placed your soft lips onto his but stopped once you hurt him hiss. "My lip." He chuckled slightly. You smiled and brushed his hair out of his face.

Jason tried to capture your lips but he was interrupted.

"It's great that you guys are on good terms but we have a problem downstairs." You heard Batman through Jason walkie talkie.

"I'll be down there in a sec." He radio him.

Jason was about to jump off the roof when you stopped him. You bring his forehead to yours and cupped his face. The bruises and cuts on Jason face began to slowly heal and soon he was all new again.

"Go get em' tiger." You said smiling at him.

"Promise you'll wait for me." He said to you.

"Promise." You said smiling. Jason kissed you passionately before jumped off the building and into the fight.

You weren't going anywhere.

Sorry if this is ass. I did not know where I was going with this.

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