- klaus

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•ugh, my daddy Klaus•

 "Now you have to be better than that

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"Now you have to be better than that. You're over 100 years old and you can't beat a girl at pool?" You teased as you hit the ball. Three balls landed into the hole [this sounds so wrong] and Marcell look at you in shock.

"How did-who taught- you know what, I give up." He said putting the stick down.

He held up his hands in surrender and you couldn't help but to laugh. "You should've known not to go up against the master of pool." You said cockily.

Marcell laughed and agreed with you. "You're right, I shouldn't have, but bet you can't beat me in-" he started but he was cut off.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself Marcell." Someone said.

You broke the stick and turned around quickly. You were about to pounce on the intruder when you stopped. The stick in your hand fell, and you locked eyes with the person you were dreading to see.

Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson, an original and the first ever hybrid of an werewolf and a vampire.

"Klaus." You said, your voice barely above a whispered.

When you left New Orleans you weren't on good terms with Klaus or his family. Everything was going great in your life when one day you found your parents brutally murdered.

You were devastated and utterly confused. Your parents were the nicest people in town and didn't have any enemy's, especially ones that were wolves. You were determined to find out who killed your parents, and soon after you began to search for your parents killer, and with the help of the Mikaelson's you thought you would find them in no time, but little did you know that you were wrong.

Every time you got close to finding out who killed your parents it was like you were pushed ten feet back. You didn't think anything of it until you overheard Elijah, Klaus, Freya, and Rebecca talking about the situation.

Hayley and her pack killed your parents, and the Mikaelson's were covering up what they did. You were devastated that the Mikaelson's,t the people that you put your life on the line for deceived you for so long. Your devastation turned into anger, and soon you started picking off the Mikaelson's one by one.

You started with Rebecca first. You lied to her and told her you had a hunch about who killed your parents and needed her to follow you to the river. Rebecca agreed since she didn't want you to suspect anything, and when she wasn't paying attention you stabbed her in the heart. You hid her body and put a spell tracking spell block on her so no one could find her.

Next it was Freya. You put her in a deep sleep and had her relive her worse memory. Once you got to Elijah you were tired of hiding and playing games so you ran up to him and stabbed him. You put his body in his coffin and left him there.

After Elijah it was Hayley and her pack. People don't know this, but you played a small role in making Dahlia curse Hayley and her pack. And after your job was done, you lead Klaus on before breaking his heart and stabbing it.

After getting your revenge you left New Orleans and went on the road. You traveled the world and enjoyed life without the Mikaelson's and everybody else in New Orleans. Now you were back, but not for long.

Klaus used his super speed and ran towards you. He pushed you against the wall and gently wrapped his hand around your neck. You knew he wasn't going to do anything so his little dramatic scene didn't faze you.

"Let her go Klaus. You said you needed help and I got you help." Marcell said.

"I thought I was helping you, not him!" You exclaimed.

"I don't want your help." He snarled before pulling away.

"If you want the curse lifted off of Hailey then you need Y/N's blood." Marcell said.

'Hailey?' You thought to yourself.

"I don't want this witch around me." Klaus said angrily.

"Did it look like I wanted to help you? I'll see you in two years Marcel, I'm out of this whack ass town." You said about to leave but Marcel ran to the door and blocked it.

"Y/N please just help us." Marcel pleaded with you.

You looked back at Klaus then at him before crossing your arms across your chest. "I'm helping you, not him." You said turning back to point at Klaus who just stood there staring at you.


You, Marcel, and Klaus walked into famous home where Hailey, Elijah, Rebecca, and Freya stood. As soon as the group of imbeciles saw you they got into a fight position, ready to pounce on you.

"She's here to help." Klaus said walking over to the table and pouring himself a drink.

"Help? She's the reason we're in this mess right now." Hailey said angry.

"I placed you guys in this predicament? Last time I check I didn't kill my friend parent then had them go on a goose chase, hurting innocent people because you and your 'family' don't know how to tell the truth and keep your canine teeth in your fucking mouth!" You yelled making the floor rumble, the light flicker, and thunder crack in the sky.

"Y/N, stop." Marcel said stepping in front of you. "I need you to calm down and don't let them get to you." He said staring in your eyes. The both of you did a breathing exercise.

"Now that's she's calm, let's hurry up and do this before it goes left again." Marcel said angrily.


"It didn't work!" Elijah said huffing.

Klaus gave you a deathly glare before wrapping his hand around your neck and slamming you against the wall. The wind was instantly knocked out of you as you lost your breath.

"Get off of her." Marcel said trying to pull Klaus away from you but he pushed Marcel into the door. You took that time to attack Klaus from behind.

He crumbled to the floor as you twisted and bent your finger. "I'm not sane weak bitch from two years ago Klaus." You said walking towards him.

Klaus let out a scream as he felt is brain swell. "So I advise you too keep your hands to yourself." You said unbending your fingers. His body slumped forward as you walked over to the unconscious Marcel.

"And that goes for all of you too." You said looking at all three of them before leaving.


Can I say bad bitch alert🤣 they messed with the wrong witch this time😂

Should I make a pt2

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