- winter soldier

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winter soldier •
yeet I don't know wtf I just wrote😭

• winter soldier ••yeet I don't know wtf I just wrote😭•

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You sat in S. H. I. E. L. D old training room frustrated. Nobody understood you. You had nobody who understood why you were always angry, and kept to yourself. They didn't understand that you were trying. Instead of listening and trying to understand you they labeled you as your mother. Evil.

Your mother wasn't the most sweetest apple on the tree. She did some messed up things, joined some evil people, and even mentally abused you. If it weren't for your father, a fellow superhero, then you would of ended up a lot worse.

You were about to head out for lunch when your watch dinged, it was an emergency meeting. You got up and brushed yourself off before walking to the meeting room.

Like always you were the first person there. You sat sat at the back of the room and put the hoodie on your head. Couple minutes later everyone started to pile in. Like before, you sat by yourself.

"Everyone's here, let's get started." Agent Harp said before he got off the stage.

The director got on stage and began to talk about the new recruit to join the Avengers. A couple weeks back, there was a sign up sheet to see who would join their team. You didn't really work well with teams because it involved talking and getting to know someone (two things you hate), so you didn't sign up.

"The new recruit for the avengers is... Y/N Grey." He said.

The room went quiet and everyone turned back to look at you. You felt like curling into a ball but instead you got up walked out. You went right back to the training room where half of the avengers sat waiting for you.

"I don't want to be apart of your group, so pick someone else." You said.

"You rather stay here instead of coming to work for us?" Natalia said shocked.

"I'm not working here at all." You said matter of fact.

"Remember, the whole almost killing a plane full of people thing? If you decide to leave shield then they'll kill you." Tony said.

"Fuck." You said under your breath.

"It's the best thing you could do right now Y/N." Steve said.

"Fine." You said taking off your hoodie.

"Your eyes." Sam said.

"I know, now can we go." You said.

Everyone got up and escorted you out of the building. You were brought to the Avengers new headquarters where you met everyone else.

"Where is my-" Someone said but stop once they saw you.

Your eyes locked onto the person and you felt your heart rate quicken. It was him. It was the man who saved you all those years ago ago. James Buchanan Barnes, or better known as Bucky, Steve Rogers best friend.

"Y/N meet Bucky, Bucky meet Y/N." Tony said.

Bucky looked at you a little weary before extending his hand. You hesitantly brung your hand to his and shook it slowly.

"Since neither of you could go on any missions yet, you two will be each other partners." Tony said.

"Besides that..." Steve said looking at Tony. "The reason why the two of you are partners is because the both of you have attributes and skills that the other need. Bucky, you help train Y/n, and Y/n you help Bucky be more rational. He needs it." Steve said looking at Bucky before placing a hand on your shoulder and walking away.

"I can't even be rational and calm my damn self, how am I supposed to teach him!" You shouted as they walked away.

"We don't know, you tell us." Tony said before both him and Steve disappeared down the hall.


"I'm over this dumbass training and I'm most def' over all of this!" You yelled throwing down the stick.

You used the back of your hand to wipe the sweat that cascaded down your forehead as you thought about your time since you've moved in a couple of months ago. You had four trainers, Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Bucky. All four of them had their own fighting style, and none of them were easy, especially Natasha's. But for some odd reason it was like Bucky physically went out of his way to make every training session even worse than the last, and after today's training you finally snapped.

"Pick the stick back up and get into position." He said breathing heavy.

You picked up the stick and examined it before throwing it at Bucky. Obviously he managed to dodge it, and only fueled your anger. "Stay the fuck away from me!" You yelled walking out of the train room.

Bucky was hot on your trail as you bumped into Wanda.

"Fuck off!" You turned around and yelled at him.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked pulling you into him.

Picking you up, Bucky walked into your room before putting you down and blocking the door.

"Move James." You said trying to push him away but he grabbed your arms and pushed you up against the door. He pinned your arms above your head, and before you knew it he began to kiss your neck.

"We're not doing this James, we can't." You said pushing him off of you.

"Why can't we Y/N?" He asked stepping towards you but you didn't answer. You couldn't.

You yourself didn't know why, you just knew that the two of you can't get involved with each other. Things just wouldn't work.

"C'mere." He said grabbing you by your neck and kissing you passionately. Your finger found their way to them hem of his tank top before slowly pulling it up his body.

James pulled away from the kiss just to take off his shirt before picking you up and placing you on the desk. The kiss became more aggressive as you began to rub yourself against his print. James was ready to pull down his pants when Vision walked in. The two of you quickly pulled away as Vision began to look everywhere besides you and James.

"I'm so sorry for intruding." Vision said closing the door.

Bucky grabbed his shirt before walking over to you. "I'm truly sorry for working you so hard. I just don't want to see you get hurt." He said kissing you.

"I get that you don't want to see me get hurt but I could handle myself, I did learn from the best." You said kissing him back.

"Now, let's get out of here before somebody else walks in on us." You said hopping off of the desk.

"This isn't finished." He said smacking your ass as the two of you walked out of the room.

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