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„My heart is broken,

I don't know what to do.

You are making me go insane because that's the only thing you can do."

- Elizabeth


I woke up in a room full of darkness. Everything around me was different and dark. I didn't remember getting here. I didn't remember this room or this foreign place at all.

Moving a little, I felt the silk sheets wrapped around my body, and beneath it, I was only in someone's t-shirt with my panties on.

My hair was spread all over the soft pillow. I have never felt the softest pillows like this one in my entire life. It was like I was sleeping on the clouds.

Turning my head around, my eyes landed on a man standing in front of the window with a glass in his hands. He was covered with the moon's glow that made him look even more mysterious.

But I knew that man in front of the window. I knew those strong shoulders, those legs, and that hair. I knew that this was the man who I had fallen for and yet, I had ended up being broken-hearted by his lies.

„Did you sleep well?" He asked, taking a sip from his glass. He didn't turn around to face me, he just stayed there, watching the night. I didn't answer him, I just stared at him, trying not to cry again. My heart hurt and I felt betrayed again.

„Answer me," He shouted and I shivered when he turned around, looking me with intense eyes. Oh, he was mad. He was mad because I found out the truth about him. I chose to ignore him and his question.

Getting up, I walked around the gothic room searching for my clothes. I could feel him behind me as I stood in front of a black closet, trying to find my clothes in it. His fingers slowly traveled down my neck to the shirt. Slowly, yet gentle, he moved the t-shirt a little and dipped his head on my neck, leaving wet kisses down my neck to my scar.

He smelled of fresh cologne and whiskey. A scent that I had never smelled on him before, and yet, I liked as much as I liked this normal one. But right now I needed to show him that I was mad at him for lying who he actually was. Moving away from him, I sat on the bed and tried to avoid his gaze by looking down at my shaky hands.

„You are not going to to talk to me," He sighed and with one throw, the glass hit the wall and shattered into tiny pieces, riping the red wallpaper in some places.

I tried not to be scared of him. I know that he would not hurt me, but now, I wasn't sure anymore.

„There is no reason to talk to you," Lifting my head up, I looked at him directly in the eyes. I could see the sadness in them.

„How did you found out about the tunnel?" He walked to me like a predator hunting his prey. His eyes traveled down my body and I felt exposed in his shirt.

„It doesn't really matter."

„It doesn't matter?" He took my phone out from his pocket and threw it next to me. „Who called you in the library?"

„You were checking my phone?!" I stood in front of him. „Did you ever heard about personal space? You can't just check my phone whenever you like it!" A wave of courage went through me as I yelled at him with everything I had locked in myself.

„Of course I will check when you lie!" He yelled back at me.

Stepping back, I pointed a finger at him. „So I lied once! You lied the whole time!"

Into the woods I P U B L I S H E DWhere stories live. Discover now