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„Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, I don't think I can trust you ever again."

- Elizabeth


„Why didn't you tell me that he was coming here?!" I yelled at the laptop, trying to calm myself down but I couldn't, I was so angry at her.

Anastasia looked at me like she just saw a demon. Her face was pale, her eyes widen and her lips were slightly open, trembling at my stare.

I had never in my life felt this angry before. I don't know where did this come from. I was never like this.

„I wanted to tell you yesterday but you had to go." Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths.

„You know how awkward this is? My boyfriend is with my ex-boyfriend in the kitchen. Henry looked like he was about to kill him when he hugged me," I threw my hands in the air. „Why did he came?"

„He said that he is visiting his cousin," She leaned her head on her arm, staring me with those blue eyes. As I was about to say something to her, someone knocked on the door, and a second later, Henry walked in, his eyes searching for me. He relaxed when he saw me standing in front of my desk.

„There you are," His eyes traveled to Anastasia then at me. „I thought your ex-stole you from me." Sneaking his hands around my hips, he pulled me to him so I could feel his hard body beneath his grey t-shirt, and gave me one of his passionate kisses. Anastasia coughed and he let me go, smiling at Anastasia.

„Hello," He said. Anastasia stared at him, her face turning paler. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not.

After a few seconds, she finally gave a sign of life. „Hello," She said, her voice trembling. She was still frightened by him but I don't know why.

„This is Henry." Moving away from him, I took his hand in mine showing her that he was mine. I don't know where this act of possessiveness came from but I didn't want her to scan him as she did with the others.

Henry smiled at her, waved at her, but when he saw her wide eyes, he took a deep breath.

„I will see what Lena, Louis, and Joens are doing."

„You mean Jack," I said to him. He smiled at me, giving me a kiss on my cheek. „That's what I've said," Turning to Anastasia, he nodded. „It was nice to meet you..."

„Anastasia," She cut him off. „It's Anastasia." They both stared at each other for a while before Henry decided to leave the room, leaving us in complete silence.

„Elizabeth." Anastasia started crying. Her eyes were full of tears, her body was shaking as she stared at the door behind me.

„What's wrong?" I sat on the chair, my eyes traveling all over her terrified face. Her eyes found mine and she took deep breaths.

„Remember when a man had broken into your room a few months ago?" I almost lost out of breath, my arms starting to shake. Why was she mentioning this now? After so long. After I forgot about that.

„What about it?" I asked.

She wiped her tears away. „Would you believe me if I just recognized that man. Elizabeth, I saw..." Lifting my hand, I begged her to stop. I shook my head at her. That couldn't be possible. Henry would never do that.

„Please, stop," I couldn't even look at her right now.

She was lying. That was it. She was only acting like this because she didn't like him.

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