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There are more secrets that you can imagine,

Everything in this world is a lie."

- Elizabeth


Every second, minute and hour passed like forever. I tried to keep myself busy as I waited for the clock to strike at 7 p.m. but I couldn't, my eyes were glancing at the clock for every few minutes, making the time past slower than I actually wanted.

At least my mind was focused on so many things, keeping me somehow mentally stable. But the thought of Jackson Johnson's article in the book makes the small devil in my mind wanting to know more.

So opening my laptop, I typed Jackson Johnson's article 1967, Shadowrose on google, but nothing shows up.

I scrolled down the page, but nothing. There is no mention of Jackson Johnson or the article. So I decided just to type Jackson Johnson.

A second later, his picture showed up, I looked down at his bio and sigh when I see the date of his death written on.

23th of November 1967. Couse of death: unknown

The little devil showed up again. He wants to know more. But what if I couldn't take more knowledge? What if I didn't want to know the truth?

Glancing at the wall, I looked at what time it was. It was already past 5 p.m. and that would mean that Anastasia had already returned home. Maybe I could ask her for a piece of advice.

I logged on Skype and sent her a video request.

Waiting, I took a bite of a sandwich that Lena made me, grabbed my phone and checked if I had any messages from Henry, but instead of his, I got a message from Nicklaus.

I heard what happened between you and Monica. Did she hurt you?

My neck was still hurting from her tight grip, but he didn't need to know about it.

No, she didn't. I will text you when I get home.

A second later, he replied.

Take some pizza at your ride home, I will get the whiskey that Louis keeps hidden in the shoe closet. ;)

I laughed, taking another bite from my sandwich. As I was about to reply to him, someone made a weird sound.

„Who are you texting? Your boyfriend?" I looked up, seeing Anastasia putting a piece of a chip in her mouth. „Did I just scare you again?" She laughed.

I took a deep breath. „Bitch."

She blew me a kiss. „I love you too."

We both laughed. God, how good was to see her. It feels like forever since I had last seen her. I wished that she was here with me, helping me with this mess in my life. The thought of her not being here with me made me sad. But that was the reality. She was in Sweden and I was here.

„Are you okay? You look concerned." Her eyes traveled through my face.

"You can read me that well," I smiled.

She smiled back. "You can not fool me, Elizabeth. I know you too well."

"I know. That's why I need your advice for something," I said.

Anastasia leaned back on her chair. "I found something in a book about Shadowrose. There was a small article from a newspaper, and when I looked it up online, nothing was there. Nothing," I took a deep breath. "And when I looked up the writer of the article, it said he died three days after the article was published."

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