People are People

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Bpov: "Why is life so hard" I question myself this everyday I just want someone to really care about me I feel like I have to be perfect but I don't want to be.

"Elizabeth come ON dinners ready" I heard my mom yell

 "ughh" I groaned and I slumped down the stairs to the dinner table where my mother and father were sitting I sat down and grabbed a plate and grabbed some of the food my mother made. 

"So Elizabeth did you finish your homework you know how important your final year of high school is" she told me 

"Yes mom I did finish my homework I actually was wondering if I could go on a run before I go to bed if that was alright with you and dad" I asked I just needed to go on a jog to clear my mind from all the stress from school and all my extra things going on in my life.

"Sure Elizabeth as long as your home before 11:00" 

"Ok mom I will be" I finished my dinner and then headed to my room I put on some leggings and my running shoes and left the house.I ran for awhile I was looking at my watch it was 10:45 and as I looked down I crashed right into someone "Hey watch were your going blondie" I heard "Shut the hell up" I said back he turned to look me directly in the eye "What's a Northsider like you doing on the Southside at a time like this?" the guy asked "Clearing my mind I didn't realize I had gotten this far" I said calmly "Well just watch were your going next time" then he walked away.As he walked away I saw the back of his leather jacket it was a Southside Serpent jacket I was worried I just told a Serpent to "Shut the hell up" gosh I was barking up the wrong tree I was asking for a death threat I ran all the way home as fast as I could.

"Elizabeth why the hell are you home so late it's 12:56 I told you to be home by 11:00" she screamed at me.

"What the hell is going on here Alice" my dad came in the room screaming he looked tired.

"Your daughter came home past curfew"she told him.

"Elizabeth We told you to be home by 11:00 what if you had gotten hurt" then he slapped me.

"Go to you room Elizabeth" gosh I hated when people called me by my full name I ran up to my room and got ready for bed I looked into the mirror after brushing my teeth I could still see the red mark on my cheek it didn't even hurt when he hit me I had just gotten used to the pain after all they have done worse things.I got into my bed and shut my eyes I couldn't stop thinking about that Serpent boy his raven hair his deep green eyes this is bad I think I was gaining feelings for a boy that I couldn't have or I mean shouldn't have.I hope I get to see this Serpent boy again.

The next day

"Elizabeth get up your going to be late for school" my mom shouted as she bust open my door

"Ok mom give me a few minutes to get ready then ill be down for breakfast" I said then I took a quick five minute shower and put on some light blue jeans and a light pink tank top and then did my make-up then I went down an ate my breakfast then started my way to school.

"Hey Betty wait up!" I heard and I turned around to see my two red headed best friends "Cheryl Andrews and Archie Andrews.

"Betty my favorite girl" Cheryl said while giving me a warming hug.

"So how are you today? Trouble in the Cooper house?" she asked I was so tired that run was something I was awake most of the night thinking about the Serpent I ran into.

"I'm fine everything is fine at home!" I said which was a complete lie but i didn't want to worry anybody about my own problems it didn't really matter any ways I would be moving out in about 2 years for college.

"Well that's great Betts" I heard Archie say I just walked in silence to school while my friends chatted about their amazing life's 

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