Love is Love I guess?

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I basically slept through school today I finally heard the last bell and left class I started walking towards Pop's my favorite place to hangout have a snack and read a good book. After about 7-ish minutes I walked into Pop's and sat in a booth and a waiter came and asked me what I wanted.

"Hi Betty what do you want today?"

"One vanilla milkshake please that's it thank you" I told him

"One vanilla milkshake coming right up!" he said then left to go make it I opened up my book 'Romeo and Juliet' one of my favorites I loved reading it over and over again.I heard the bell ring again but I didn't bother to look up to see who it was then out of the corner of my eye I saw the waiter walking over the waiter brought over my milkshake and I started to drink it.

"Hey blondie nice to see you again so what are you reading?" I heard I looked up to see the guy I ran into the other day.

"Hey i'm just reading Romeo and Juliet so what are you doing here?" I asked

"Just came to pick up an order but I saw you" he said

"I never got your name blondie" he told me it was kind of obvious he was trying to hit on me and I won't deny that I didn't mind it he was pretty cute.

"I'm Betty and you are?"

"Jughead Im kind of in a rush Betty and I should get going but I'll see you around" he said

"Definitely" I said and he got his order and left I saw a slip of paper on the table I picked it up and unfolded it, it had his phone number on it. Then I heard my phone ring it was my mom I picked it up to answer.

"Elizabeth get home right now your late what did I tell you about not telling me your going somewhere?" She pretty much was yelled into the phone

"I'm sorry mom I'm on my way home right now ok" I told her

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