What The Hell

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I woke up this morning with a major migraine I sat up and looked at Jughead he was naked and I realized I was also so I assumed we must have had sex last night.I gave Jughead a kiss and he woke up.

"Hey beautiful.ow" He said but it sounded like he was yelling.

"Oww why are you yelling" I complained.

"I'm not yelling you are" He replied.I got up and went to get some medicine to stop the pounding migraine I had.

"Can you get me one to" Jughead asked.

"Yeah" I said as I opened up the bottle and grabbed two pills I brought him one and a glass of water and we both took it then I got back in bed and cuddled with him for another hour since it was a Saturday.

I woke up this morning it was hot and I could feel the sweat on my back and I felt the urge to puke so I ran to the bathroom and everything came out from yesterday after a minute I got back up I felt better I splashed a little water on my face and brushed my teeth so my breath didn't smell like puke all day long.I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed my clothes for today a pair of darker blue jeans and a silk white tank top and some tan flats.Jughead still wasn't awake so I walked over to his side of the bed and kneeled down and gave him small kiss on the face and walked out and grabbed my backpack I wasn't hungry so I just left for school.

The day went by fast so when the final bell rung I walked home I was tired and my eyes were heavy ai finally got back to the apartment Jughead wasn't home so I went in to our bedroom and laid on the bed and took a nap.

I awoke to Jughead getting in bed I sat up.

"Jug what time is it." I asked I looked out the window it was dark.

"10:00 you were asleep when I got home so I let you sleep dinners in the fridge if you want it" He replied.

"Ok thanks Juggie" I said and got up and put my pajamas on brushed my teeth and got back in bed Jughead cuddled me all night it felt nice.

I woke up the next morning and the next feeling the same and puking every morning.

I woke up this morning and rushed to the bathroom and puked out the nothing I had in my stomach and then I felt someone behind me lifting my hair out of my face it was Jughead after I finished puking I turned around to face Jughead.

"Betts are you feeling ok?I think you should stay home I'll take care of you okay" He said I could tell he was worried about me.

"I'm fine Jug you don't need to watch me I feel fine I can still go to school" I told him.

"Betts please" He pleaded.

"Ughh...fine I'll stay home but you don't need to watch me" I said to him.

"Ok" He replied and leaned in to kiss me but I put my hand towards his lips.

"I just puked you don't want to kiss me" I exclaimed.

"I do want to kiss you because your my girlfriend" He said and kissed me.Then he went to go get a shower I brushed my teeth and went back to bed.

I slept for about an hour I woke up and went to the bathroom it was my time of the week so I was ready to have cramps all week but when I went their was no blood. I got a little nervous my mind was going crazy with all these thoughts and then one stood out in particular "am I pregnant?" I thought so I washed my hands and just put the thought behind me I was probably just a couple days off.

The next couple days went the same way and it was the last day of the month and I was still late.On my way home I stopped at the gas station on my way home and picked up a pregnancy test even though I was pretty sure I wasn't pregnant I just wanted to make sure.

I got back to the apartment Jughead doesn't get back till 7:00 on his work days so I went to the bathroom and took the tests and then left them on the counter and read while I waited for the results after 3 minutes passed I went back to the bathroom and prepared myself I turned the first stick over Positive it read it could hav been an accident so I flipped the second one over Positive again I flipped the last one over and it said Positive. I just burst out in tears I was so scared and upset I threw them in the trash and went to my room and cried I cried so much and when I stopped I fell asleep.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE" I heard Jughead yell as he came rushing through the door.

"Are you cheating on me we haven't had sex in weeks" I heard him say as he was holding up the pregnancy tests I had taken earlier.

"No Jug I wouldn't cheat on you" I pleaded to him.

"Doesn't matter any way because I can't be a dad especially with somebody I don't care about I never cared about you Betty and you were just a mistake and so it that baby I only used you for sex and you were just blind enough to not notice I never cared about you" He yelled and a couple tears went down my face I cared about him so much and then he just rips my heart out and breaks.

"FINE FORGET YOU YOUR JUST A FUCKING COWARD AND IM GLAD I DON'T HAVE TO RAISE MY CHILD WITH YOU" I screamed as I pulled on my shoes and left the apartment I ran as far as I could get as all of the tears I had spilled onto my face and hands I was heart broken I had nowhere to live no job how was a supposed to raise a family?

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