I love you

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Jughead point of view
"I never cared about you I only used you for sex and you were blind enough to not notice I never cared about you" I screamed all of that was a lie I cared about Betty so much she was the only thing I cared about.

"FINE FORGET YOU YOUR JUST A FUCKING COWARD AND IM GLAD I DON'T HAVE TO RAISE MY CHILD WITH YOU" She screamed back at me and ran out of our apartment crying it hurt to hear her say that but it was probably for the best that she find some other guy and raise that baby with him I would be a terrible father.

I heard the door open about a couple minutes later I looked over in hopes that it would be Betty and that she came back and I could apologize but it was just my dad so I looked away in frustration.I was spinning one of the pregnancy tests in my hand as he came over and sat next to me.

"I just saw Betty run out of the Wyrm crying what happened Jug?" He asked he got along very well with Betty he thought she was a good fit for me for a girlfriend.

"I found these in the bathroom" I said as I showed him the three pregnancy tests that read Positive.

"I knew that I couldn't have been the father because we haven't you know.... had sex in a couple weeks and so I asked her.well more yelled at her I asked her if she was cheering on me and she said no...but I yelled at her and told her I never cared about her and that I couldn't be a father and said a bunch of other mean things like that a couldn't raise a child with someone I don't care about and all of the stuff I said was a lie..and she got upset and yelled at me that she was glad she didn't have to raise her child with me and left crying" I said as a tear slipped down my cheek I care about Betty so much.

"Jug you need to fix this you need to go find her and talk this out she can't have gone very far she ran outside and that's all I saw but I'd ask Toni which direction she went..." He said as he stood up and so did I he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Go find her Jug" He said and we both went out of the apartment and I walked to the bar over to Toni.

"Jughead I saw Betty run out of here crying did you do something to her" She asked as she walked over to me.

"Yes and I need to go fix it which way did she run off to" I asked.

"She ran towards the left make whatever did wrong right Jughead she cares about you a lot and trusts you and she doesn't trust many people after everything in her life" She said and I walked outside to my motorcycle and started it up I revved the engine then I drove of to look for my girlfriend that I cared so much about.

After about an hour of driving I still hadn't found her I was willing to search for her all night I stopped at a small little park it was trashed and disgusting but I walked through the park I didn't see her so I got back on my bike and drove a little further until I noticed a single bench underneath a light and their was a small girl figure sitting under it with her head in her hands it was Betty my girlfriend.All of my worry was relieved and I parked next to the bench and got of.

"Betty" I called out to her.

"What do you want Jughead are you here to tell me about how much you never cared about me again or about how me and this child are a mistake" She snapped back.

"Betty" I said as I sat down next to her on the bench.

"Betty I never should have said those things....I didn't mean them either Betts....please come back home I can't live without seeing your face when I wake up each morning I can't live without you Betts because I...I love you" I told her she looked up at me with mascara running down her cheeks.

"I love you too" She choked out and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Let's go home Betts" I said and we stood up and got on my motorcycle when she snaked her small arms around me it was a comforting feeling it made me so happy knowing I have the girl I love with me.

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