Baby what is happening to me?

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I laid their in his arms just staring off to space while he was asleep I couldn't sleep so I just thought about everything like the things I wanted to change about my life. I would want to change myself not have depression and just live by myself without my abusive parents. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my naked body.

"Hey Beautiful" he said

"Hey" I replied with

"Still deep in thought I see" he said as he turned me over to face him and we stared into each others eyes for a minute.

"Jug what time is it" I ask

"2:54 why do you ask?" He said

" School is almost over I need to get home my mom is going to kill me literally" I said as I rushed up and started to gather my clothing that was scattered around the room and start to put it on.

" you need a ride home?" He asked

"Yeah that would be great" I replied and he got up and started to get dressed I finally had my shirt on and we headed out of the White Wyrm and got on his Motorcycle and drove to the shit hole I call home.

I hopped off his motorcycle and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry if I confused you today with everything..I just" he cut me off.

"Hey I really like you Betty I wasn't just driving by your house for no reason I wanted to see you!And then I got to have a full afternoon with you It's like a dream come true!" He said and we chuckled and then we kissed it was nice and full of passion and lust.

"I really need to go but I'll talk to you later ok" I said and waved as he drove away I walked towards my front door and reached to open it but it was opened quickly by an angry Alice Cooper.

"Elizabeth Cooper where the hell have you been and why were you skipping school?" She said clearly angry.

"Mom I'm so sorry" I said as I walked through the door but I was interrupted by my mom yelling at me.

"Where were you Elizabeth tell me?"she yelled at me.

"Why does it matter mom?"I yelled back at her.

"Just wait till your father gets home he will get you to talk"she said which scared the absolute shit out of me.

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