Army : Fake Love Theory

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My observations (might edit later as I'm still too shook by how good the video is to be able to notice everything):

Jungkook is watching everyone from the outside but he can't help them. This is especially evident when he watches Yoongi and it directly contrasts with Euphoria, where he saved him from the fire, but here he can't do anything (different timeline?)

Everyone's symbols are clear: Jimin and water, Yoongi and fire, Joon and mirrors, Hobi and snickers/children toys. Tae's symbol is the phone and it reminds me of his phone call to Namjoon in HYYH and how he on the contrary couldn't reach Namjoon on the phone in Wings

Jin is seen protecting a Smeraldo flower but later on, when the music stops, JK finds the same case Jin was using to protect it and it's empty, the flower has turned into sand. If we take into account that Smeraldo represents "the truth that couldn't be told" we might think that JK somehow found out the truth about Jin ("Hyung isn't there something you're hiding from us?") and is now watching everything fall apart because of Jin messing with the timeline

idk how to connect the scenes in the video to the teaser where they traded fears for happiness. it kind of feels like here JK opened some kind of pandora's box and everything fell apart for everyone. on the other hand, the scene where he enters the room with the coatracks is at the end of the video, not the beginning. So maybe it's the other way around and JK went into the magic shop to make a bargain to save everyone after he saw them all struggle?

Cr. By : jennathehutt

I feel like the flower hasn't fully turned into sand. Jin gave up on it and abandoned the lantern, but Jungkook still picked up a handful of the sand, and when he did, petals began to float into the air, and a secret door opened. I think Jungkook is going to learn the truth, because his innocence (?) gave him the ability to believe that the flower was not gone. I just feel like there is a seed of hope in that scene, where he realizes that the petals still exist, the flower still exists, that beneath that fake love might be something REAL.

EDIT: But I totally agree with your other points! I'm hoping there's another MV that will reveal more coming soon, but we might have to wait until the final album.


"Here  the  theory one of  ARMY"

So today I decided to make a theory for the first time. While watching the fake love mv I noticed something related HYYH and wings era. I was going to do it on about how it’s all linked like Jimin in a bath in I need u, run and in the love yourself her highlight reel or how Suga set a room on fire in I need U and in the music video the room he sat in Burt into flames. However I then decided to look more deeply and I noticed something with Jin and Jungkook. Of course this is my own opinion and I’m not saying it is right I just want to see if others noticed and agree.

To me Jin represents love yourself her and all the good parts of loving yourself and Jungkook represents all the regret and darkness in it to which is the concept of love yourself tear. He might of been the one to cause the pain and now regrets it so is trying to reverse it all.

In the HYYH era there was a lot of theories on how Jin isn’t real or he’s dead. He isn’t human and he’s a guardian angel from heaven. In the fake love music video I noticed Jin always had this golden beam around him like a good Ora and Jungkook had this darker theme. It also looks as if Jin is shutting out Jungkook as if he isn’t there and Jungkook causes the trouble but that’s going to come back later.

The first time I watched the music video I thought that Jin had died and Jungkook took over his place as the “angel” but then watching it over I sort of saw that Jungkook wasn’t actually good.

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