BTS Concept in MAMA2018JAPAN

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Let's talk about their Performance and Concept in MAMA 2018 in Japan

Let's go! 

BTS  perform  Fake Love in  MaMa 2018 last 12.12 the  concept is Black and White
Okay I'm talking with their mask  if you watch the last part of their performance you  see  the  difference ending from the  Fake Love extended Music Video to  their performance in  MAMA

About their Mask

NAMJOON mask is made of  'Glass'  yes it's a glass he always see his 'Reflection' in the mirror and he ask 'Who I am?'

JIMIN mask is made of water , water  symbol of life and Death .

HOSEOK mask is made of  amusement park symbol , the  place when he lost his Mother.

SEOKJIN  mask  is  made of  Galaxy (?) Reminding of  smeraldo Flower  also.

JUNGKOOK  mask is  made of Butterfly (shattered pieces)

YOONGI  mask  is made of  skull (bones  and  ashes)

TAEHYUNG mask  is made of smoke.

They  finally got  out of the Magic shop which  gave them false feelings  and  emotions they are now in  a  new phase . Dark clothes represented fake  love , white clothes are  representing  the  true emotions and  the  true persona.
Jungkook is  the  one  who has all of his  hyung fears inside, He's the  one who suffer the  most


He  has  finally found how  to  love  himself going past  his  fear


He doesn't know who he  is  because he  is "made" by  different personalities put  together those of  his  hyung.

"WHO  I  AM"

                  WHO  ARE  YOU?"

But  finally we  are past  what  was  fake  love  during the  love  yourself series.

The  next era, is  gonna  show  true love  for  themselves and  others.


"I  MAKE  BEAUTIFUL LIES  FOR YOU " What  is  beautiful and  is  not real? - the  smeraldo Flower

Fake  love  shows the  end of the " unreal  world" because the  smeraldo flower  was  destroyed  in  SeokJin 's  room.

Lyrics from "The  Truth Untold"

'I'm crying
That's disappeared
That's Fallen
Left  alone  in  the  sand  castles looking at  this  broken mask'

The  smeraldo flower is  beautiful and fake, the whole  Love  Yourself era  was  creation of the  flower shop  owner  that's why  BTS  looked  like  dolls  being  controlled. The flower got  ruined and that's why  the  Fake  emotions era  ended. A  new era  with  true  feelings is  about to  start.
In  MMA 2018 performance as  in  past  the  acted  like  dolls being controlled bu someone we  never understood who  really was  controlling them. What  we  also never  understood is  who  the  owner of  the  Flower Shop  was. But we  know that SeokJin had  been  in  contact with  him.


*these  fault and  mistakes are  what I  am  making up  the  brightest  star in  the  constellation of  my life. *

I  have come to love myself for  who  I  am  for  who  I  was  and  for  I  hope to become.*

Q: Do  you have a  mission to  give to  yourself?

A: Missions to  myself  is accepting to  who I am.

This  all  about the  Different between Real and Unreal  World, to  accepting  who  are you , if  you have a Dream or you don't have  a  dream the important is  your dream is to be Happy.  You can  find  yourself if you  know who  are you and if  you accept yourself as  being you. Start to  love yourself ....

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