Link X Reader-Part 1

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•You (yourself)
•Ben (me)
Chapter 1
You sit up groggily as you hear your phone beep. "It's 8 in the morning, what could anyone possibly want?" You wonder, grabbing it.
You have 4 new texts from your friend, Ben.
"You up yet, (y/n)?"
"Do I need to walk over there and wake you up?"
"No seriously I will"
You text him back quickly, worried that he would think you're ignoring him.
"I'm up now, why don't you just come over and tell me whatever it is you need to tell me"
He replies with a simple "Ok", and you shut your phone off and get up. You fix your (h/c) hair so it's not frizzy and going all over the place.
You quickly decide to simply put on a jacket over your shirt when you hear him knock on the door. He walks in quickly after you open the door due to the freezing weather. "Are we in Antarctica or something? This isn't normal weather," he says, pushing ice off the top of his head. You laugh as it hits the floor and breaks.
"Is it literally cold enough for there to be ice? I knew it was cold, but not that cold!" He picks up some ice and drops it on your head. "Hey!" You without realizing it get into some sort of ice war...
You see that there's ice everywhere on the floor. Oops...You think, grabbing a broom to sweep it up.
"Anyway, so what did you need so badly that you had to come over at 8 in the morning?" you asked, putting the broom away.
"I got a new game!" he said happily, pulling the box out of his jacket. He handed it to you and you admired the artwork on the front, metallic silver. The words read Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. You hadn't heard of this one, and were excited to see what it was about. You quickly run over to your TV and put the game in the console.
After about 4 hours of playing the game nonstop, you started to get tired and gave the remote to Ben. He started screaming angrily at the TV, things like "Stop killing me!" or, "Can my horse walk any slower?" and other things along those lines.
You get hungry and decide to get a snack. When you're walking to the kitchen, you feel something slippery underneath your feet. Then suddenly, the ground rushes up to meet you and Ben's voice calling your name fades into blackness.

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