Chapter 6

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Noelle's POV

I got out of the car and looked at my watch.

"Crap I'm late!" I muttered running over to the other side of my car. I took out my nephew inside his portable car seat. No time to take him out. I grabbed his diaper bag and made a mad dash towards the entrance. I told the lady in the lobby I had a meeting and she gave me the instructions on where to go. I got into the elevator and pushed the button for level two, which is where they have the conference rooms and things like that. I took the liberty to make sure I looked presentable and that my nephew was still asleep from the car ride. I exited the elevator and met a lady at reception. She guided me to the meeting room. Before entering I stopped myself. I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress. I can do this. I opened the door and walked inside. When I stepped inside though, I saw five familiar faces I didn't expect to see. Harry, zayn, niall, liam and louis all sat around the table with their faces in shock.

"Ahh here she is! The lovely noelle! How are you sweetie!" spencer engulfed me in a rib breaking hug.

"um I'm fine" I managed to squeak out. He chuckled and let me go.

"Come have a seat! Make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink?"

"Eh some water please" I smiled. I was parched from walking in such a rush. I should really start going back to the gym. He gave me a glass of ice water and I took a sip.

"So lads, I want you to meet your new band member, Noelle" he introduced me .

"She will be hopefully joining you guys on tour and will be on your next album I presume"

"But she's a girl" louis pondered. Harry hit him on the side of the head.

"Yes she is indeed, but she's quite a talent and I believe she will contribute her great talents to the band and increase the male part of your fan base as well. So it's a win-win situation" Spencer debated.

"Moving on, noelle how old are you?" he asked.

"I'm seventeen. I turn eighteen in a week" I answered sheepishly.

"So you'll be the baby of the band after harry. He's the youngest of the five. Now since your under eighteen I'll need you and your parents to sign this contract here" He handed me a packet of about ten pages and flipped towards the last page and on the bottom was a signature line for me and my parents. Now normally I would have phoned my parents and had them sign it but I don't live with my parents. So now what?

"Um spencer can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I looked up at him.

"Sure" he responded leading me outside the doors of the meeting room.

"Is something wrong?"he worried.

"No not at all. It's just, I don't exactly live nor have parents"

"Then who do you live with" He asked.

"My older brother, he's my guardian"

"Oh, well then we can just have him sign it." he chuckled.

"Alright. Can I take the contract with me and talk it over with him? I mean I'm still joining the band but since I'm not of age I have to let him know I'm leaving for tour. That and I graduate school this week."

"Oh of course you can. And that's wonderful! He smiled

"Now let's get back in there before they wander off. I swear you can't leave these boys alone for too long or else mischief comes along" he chuckled going inside. I followed suite and took my seat again.

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