Chapter 18

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I usually do my author notes at the end of the chapter but I just wanted to let you guys know that half of this chapter is sort of a recap of the past two or so chapters. Anyways happy reading! :) - Pez ♡


Michael POV

After Ashton and Noelle kissed during our game of truth or dare I had told Ashton that we needed to talk. We left and we went back to our hotel room.

"What's on your mind Mikey?" He asked sitting down on the couch and putting his feet up.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?" I asked. He looked up obviously confused. Realization spread across his face when he finally understood what I meant.

"No, I mean she's a good kisser but she's not my type." he shrugged.

"Good" I sighed laying down on my bed.

"Why do you ask?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"I think I might have a slight crush on Noelle" I said quietly.

"What was that?" He asked cupping his ear.

"I said I might have a slight crush on her!" I spoke up a little more.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" He grinned widely.

"Shut up" I mumbled burying my face into a pillow.

"So are you going to tell her or what?" He asked. My head shot up fast and I turned around to face him.

"No! I'm not telling her and you're not telling her. No one is telling her! Are we clear?" I asked. He nodded still smiling like a goofy kid.

"Michael it's okay to have a crush on someone. You don't have to be ashamed" he sat next to me and patted my back.

"I'm not ashamed I just. I don't know. I like her, but I'm just so awkward and embarrassing. Fuck, she probably doesn't even like me. I might as well start getting comfortable in the friend zone because that's where I'm probably at with her" I ranted to him.

"Mikey you know that's not true! I bet she likes you too. Have you seen the way you both act around each other? You're both always blushing" he smiled.

"But I bet she likes you or something. I mean, you guys did kiss" I shrugged.

"Tell you what, I'll clear some things out with her and try to see if she'll give me any hints as to wether she likes you or not" he said winking.

"Will you?" I asked hopeful.

"Anything for a brother" he chuckled giving me a hug.

"Thanks ash! You're the best!" I smiled squeezing him.

"You're welcome Mikey. Now let's get some rest" he said getting into his bed. I shut the light off and I fell into a peaceful sleep.


I didn't see Noelle again till the end of soundcheck the next day. She smiled walking in with the boys. She messed around with them as they waited for us to finish soundcheck. After we finished, I hung up my guitar on the guitar rack backstage and decided to talk to Noelle. I went back onstage and the boys were getting prepped but she wasn't onstage. I asked Zayn where she was and he pointed to the other side of the stage. I walked towards the other side when I heard Ashton's voice.

"Hey, so I was wondering, if you're free would you like to go out sometime with me on a date?" He asked.

I thought he said he was going to help me try and get the girl, not steal her from me. The nerve he has to like to my face and get my hopes up. My thoughts were interrupted when Noelle spoke up.

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