1) #imagine with Jay McGuiness - amy_tw

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You’re going away with a few friends from your secondary school, one of them being your bestfriend, as well as four of his friends, Max, Tom, Siva and Nathan, whilst your taking four of your friends. You’re flying out to one of the Caribbean Islands, but no clue what one, Jay booked and planned it all. You was planning on going to Barbados but it cost waaay to much. So Jay took over the ordering and planning. You and Jay had grown up together over the past 19 years of your life, you liked him a lot, but way more then he thought you did. You was now both working in London, him being in the famous boyband – The Wanted – and you being a designer for a magazine. You used to go to school together, you seem his and the other boys at least 3 times a week. You never got round to telling him how you really felt so you kept it to yourself.

*A few days later*

Jay had booked an all inclusive 2 week holiday to Barbados, and also had asked you out for dinner and kept calling it a date, you was happy but if only he knew, you wore a red summer dress as you was going down to the beach for dinner. He knocked on your room door that you shared with one of your friends; of course they were all with the boys at the bar so you and Jay had snuck off. You got to the beach to see and blue red blanket with small white flowers carefully placed round the edges of the blanket, he took your hand and lead you over, all your favourite food was there as well as a bottle of champagne. You laughed at him when he smiled before he pulled you close

“(YN) I have watched you grow up and we’ve grown so close, from when you used to pretend to be my teacher and my mum and so on, and play as little kids to the times I had to calm you down because of the girls in your class being bitches. But over that time I fell in love with you, not just as a bestfriend but also as someone I wanted to be with. I’ve never had the courage to say this, but I really like you and I would like to know if you would be my girlfriend?”

You shake your head vigorously before replying and winking.

“Yes I will James and I’ve fallen for you too. And other thing when you said you’ve watched me grow up it made you sound like my dad” he smiled at you before leaning in, his breath tickling your face before his lips crashing into yours, the kiss becomes more passionate before you pull away and smiling.

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