Chapter 2 (Chandrilla)

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Rey's p.o.v

The rain had just stopped a few minutes ago all that was left was the humidity and moistness in our skin. I was sitting next to Finn and everyone was quiet but we couldn't deny the tension about what was going to be happening next.

We were in a small meadow field that had beautiful healthy green grass and daisies all over the place but even the beauty of the landscape seemed gloomy with the event that was taking place.

The resistance leaders start walking slowly in a straight ordered line carrying the coffin of our former general, friend, mother , Leia Oragana.

Once I see the coffin, my head goes down and a tear plops down going down to my dry lips. Everyone's face was pale, even Finn looked as if he was about to break down crying.

"We join together in this sad day to bury a very important woman who has impacted all of our lives in a important way, this isn't goodbye forever she will always be with -"

I stand up, my face red with tears and my eyes watery.

I run out of the ceremony with no idea where I was going to go but all I knew is that if I stayed there any longer I would start crying like a little girl who has just lost her mother.

I run into the nearby forest.

The forest was dark and damp from all the rain. I sit down in a tree log not caring about how my dress was going to get dirty.

It starts to rain again and I start crying so much I couldn't hardly breathe. I gasp in the middle of sobs.

Then I feel a familiar presence that I haven't felt in the longest time. I cursed silently when I heard his heavy breathing.

"Rey?" I hear him say softly with a curious voice.

Ben's p.o.v

We look at each other for a long time not knowing what to say.

I break the silence. "Why are you crying?" I ask her softly noticing her red face and watery eyes.

She gives me a stern look and wipes her tears pretending that she's okay. "I am not crying" she says to me looking away.

I come closer to her getting up from the throne and walking slowly next to her.

"Yes you are crying Rey" I say back to her sitting in the log beside her.

Her eyes start to water again and there was no lie in her eyes , she is truly upset. "Ben your mother is dead" she says scooting closer to me looking into my dark eyes.

My face turns pale and I look down not knowing If I wanted to cry or scream from all the anger and rage that started building up inside me.

"I'm sorry ben" Rey says reaching for my hand slowly.

I get up and throw my lightsaber across the tree from the forest furiously. I shout with anger and fury.

"WHYY!" I shouted as my eyes start to water.

Rey stands up and touches my back softly "there was nothing you could have done ben she died of natural causes".

I look away and a teardrop falls from my eye. "This is my fault, I am the monster" I say to her looking down.

"You have to accept that this was not your doing ben, she told me to give you this" rey says extending out her hand giving me my father's dice.

I look at her in shock and my hand trembles as I grab the dice.

"She forgives you ben, this could be your time to turn" she says placing her hand on my shoulder softly.

"You are our last hope" Rey says with a tear sliding down her cheek.

I look at her considering what she has just said.

"Rey! are you here Rey!" I hear the familiar voice of FN-2187 say. I slide from beside rey and get up looking at her red eyes.

She looks at me with a soft look in her eyes "I'm coming Finn" she shouts back walking away from me without another word.

The force bond ends and I stand alone in the throne room with the dice in my hands. I knew what I had to do and knew for who I was going to do it for.

I take off my red robe and tell the knights "prepare my ship".

I walk to the hangar ignoring all my surroundings.

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