Chapter 10 (The final battle pt 2)

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Ben's p.o.v

I carried Rey in my arms, that shot was supposed to hit me not her i thought silently to myself with tears filling up my eyes.

"Ben i'm fine, we need to keep fighting together- we can do this" she says weakly.

"Rey your hurt you can't possibly-"

"The girl has truly made you soft" I hear a cursed raw voice say.

"You just don't want to die don't you?" I shout at snoke who is spinning his saber towards me and had a blaster in his hand, the one that shot rey.

I was standing there for a moment thinking about what to do, I couldn't let Rey go or she would be hurt by snoke especially now that she's injured.

He runs quicker towards us not giving me a chance to figure out what to do.

BOOM! a loud explosion ocuurs.

Rey had her hand extended out, using the force she made Snoke explode into ash and the rest of the knights of ren, then I managed to realize that my hand was also extended out.

Blue and red light mixed together coming out of both of us, Rey and I.

I then knew Immediatly that we did it, we killed snoke for sure now.


Third person p.o.v

Both Ben and Rey collapse in the first order's throne room black glossy floor.

"Do you think we did it?" Rey asked hoping that the answer was the one she really was hoping for. "Did we bring balance to the galaxy?"

"I think we did" Ben answers in a peaceful voice.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

Ben holds on to Rey's hand and Rey slides her fingers inside of his warm tensed hand.

Their eyes close at the same time.


Author's note: Don't hate me for this cliffhanger i know it's sad and all but the story is not done yet and ben and rey still haven't kissed yet so we will have to wait untill the next chapter:))) *does sneaky laugh BAAHHAHAHHAHAH*

Let me know your theories for the next chapter!!

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