Chapter 11 (The aftermath)

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Third person p.o.v
Poe walks into the throne room with Finn and Rose they stand there with their mouth wide opened with shock.

"REY!" Finn shouts from the top of his lungs as he runs over to her rapidly.

"Oh my goodness this isn't good!" Poe says waking slightly towards ben.

"What- wha are we going to do ?" Rose says stuttering standing in front of Rey and Ben's body.

"Guys they are still breathing" poe says with his hand on Ben's wrist checking his pulse.

Finn grabs Rey's wrist to check and gladly she was alive too.

"We need to take them now" Rose says helping Finn carry Rey.

"Need a little help here, Kylo Ren is very heavy" poe says with a struggle trying to pick up ben.

"First we need to let these two let go of eachother's hands" Rose says with a slight smile.

Finn didn't notice their hands together.

"Oh right" poe says with a laugh as he pretend karate chops both of their hands.

"Love is something so beautiful, comes in many ways and with the unlikely people" Rose says with a smile.

Finn smiles at her.

"Like you and I" he says with a wide smile.

"What?" Rose says sort of shocked that Finn would say that to her.

"I know you feel the same way I feel for you rose" he says looking into her eyes.

"I, I-" She stutters.

"Guys save the gooshy mooshy love romance for later , this isn't the place" Poe says with a laugh looking at snoke's ashes.

"Right" finn says helping poe carry ben.

"Right behind you guys" rose says carrying rey on her back.

They managed to escape back into the falcon without getting caught by any troopers.

They took ben and rey to the medical room where they were being scanned and checked.
Rey's p.o.v
I awoke in a small white room, I look around and see ben beside me in another bed.

"Ben!" I shout still thinking that we were in the supremacy.

"He is going to be fine, jedi Rey" a gold tall droid with a funny voice says.

I've seen him around the resistance ship so I knew we were safe.

I got up and tried my best to lift myself to go to ben.

"Why isn't he awake yet?"  I ask the droid placing my hand under his chin.

"He isn't fully recovered yet and you might want to wait for him to awake later -" he kept going on saying.

He was already sort of annoying me.

"Why don't you just wait outside, I'll be right out" I say quickly looking at the confused droid.

"Oh my, okay" he responds walking out quickly.

I slide in the medical bed beside ben and just look up at him.

Even laying down beside him I seem shorter than him, I smile at that.

I slide my fingers through his black messy hair and slide my fingers inside of his hand again.

Then he grabs my hand and pulls it up to his lips kissing it with his eyes closed.

He awoke.

"Rey?" He asks looking down at me.

"Oh um hey" I start to get up noticing that laying by him might make him uncomfortable.

"No stay" he says putting his hand on my waist.

I smile and lay my head on his chest.

"We did it ben" I say happily.

"I know" he says kissing my forehead.

"What now?" I ask him looking up at him.

"Now I just want to stay here , like this -laying with you" He replies smiling down at me.

"Me too" I reply with a blush.
Ben's p.o.v
We stay in the medical room for an hour just laying in eachother's arms.

Rey was asleep but I was just laying there observing her beauty.

Someone suddenly knocks on the door.

"Come in" I shout.

It was FN and a girl.

They both look over at me and Rey ,then look at eachother and start bursting into laughter.

My face turns red quickly and Rey wakes up staring at them blankly.

"When y'all are um ready we will meet y'all outside in the Chandrilla meadow for a suprise" they say quickly walking out.

Rey giggles and I can't help but smile.

We get up and get ready for the suprise.
Authors note: THIS CHAPTER IS FULL OF REYLO SO YEAH IM LOVING IT LOL. ❤️ ALSO last chapter is coming out tommorow so beEE PREPARed

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