Chapter 8 (Revived)

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Third person p.o.v
Ben gets taken to the elevator where He is  still grabbed ahold by the troopers.

"Y'all are going to pay for this" Ben mumbles under his breath coldly.

"Yeah save it for the supreme leader" the trooper says with a chuckle but get's smacked by the other trooper beside him.

"You weren't supposed to say that ! You dingus" the other trooper says.

Ben looks at both of them blankly wondering what they meant by "supreme leader".

They land in the fourth floor where the throne room is supposed to be.

Ben starts planning ways he can escape in his mind but comes up with nothing.

The elevator door opens and he's face to face with Snoke.
On the other hand rey was gathering up volunteers from all directions of the ship.

She walks to Poe's room and knew that poe would be very useful on helping rescue ben but didn't know if he would actually try to help.

She knocks on his door.

Poe opens the door. "Rey ?"

"Oh um poe do you think you can do a very helpful favor that would really help me" Rey asks him  playing with her hands.

"Yes Rey , of course anything"

"I need you to be our pilot to help me save ben from the first order"

Poe looks at her confused.

"Why would he need to be saved ? He's the supreme leader after all" poe says confused.

"The first order has turned against him because they found out he killed snoke, for me" Rey adds leaning against the door.

"He did that?" Poe asks in astonishment.

"Yes" Rey says with a smile.

"Now we owe it to him , we need to save him before something bad happens to him" Rey says quickly.

"Okay, But I'm doing it for you because your like a sister to me" poe says with a smile.

"Thanks Poe, I knew I could count on you when the time came" Rey says hugging him quickly patting each other on the back.

"I'll gather my co pilots" Poe says running to action.

Rey goes and gets more people , luckily Finn and rose didn't need much persuading and agreed quickly to help me.

Rey runs to the hangar with the others .

She goes inside a tie fighter and Finn and rose go on at the same time beside her.

They all fly off into hyperspace quickly.

"I'm going to love this" Poe says in the communicator.

"We all know you enjoy anything that has to deal with exploding X wings" Finn says with a chuckle in the communicator.

"And you don't ?" Rose adds with a giggle.

"Let's all admit , We all like flying and blowing up the bad guys" Rey says with a loud giggle.

"Your right" Poe says with a loud "WOWOWO!" As he twirls his tie fighter round and round.

They see the supremacy ship ahead and Rey flys quicker than the others to get there.
Ben's p.o.v
"Snoke? Your alive ?" I ask in astonishment I couldn't believe that my former master came back to haunt me and taunt me.

He had a robotic downward body, the only thing that had his physical appearance was his face and half of his upper body chest.

I thought we ended him that day.

"I am not much of a person who smiles but this does put a smile on my face" He says in that same bone chilling voice I thought I got rid of.

"How ? How is it possible" I say my voice shaking.

"I told you foolish boy, I know your every intent , I know your every move" Snoke says coldly.

"Now you will die" He says with a cold chuckle.

"I am not that same foolish apprentice of yours" I say with a small smirk.

"Would you really be that low to kill me without a fair fight ?" I ask him walking up towards him closer.

He laughs that cold raw laugh.

"Fine, you want to battle , let's battle little boy" He says with a small smirk taking out a two sided purple lightsaber.
Author's note: HEHEHE plot twist i know this chapter isn't full of reylo but there will be reylo ahead. "The belonging you seek is not behind you it is ahead😉👌" lolll I had to:)

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