Chapter 3 (Later that night....)

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Third person p.o.v

Ben took the tie silencer that night and traveled to chandrilla without saying anything to hux or even the knights of ren.

This is going to be stupid of me, ben thought to himself silently as he entered his home planet, chandrilla.


Rey and the whole resistance crew were getting ready for bed it has been a tough day for everyone.

"Goodnight rey" Finn shouted at Rey before closing his room door.

Rey didn't respond back she felt still bad about all the events of today and just wanted to get rest.

She plopped down on her bed thinking about her force bond with Ben today.

"I'm such a fool for thinking that Ben would actually care about leia's death, who am I kidding why would he care about his mother if he killed his father" Rey thought to herself silently smacking the soft pillow on her face.

"But, I felt the good in him, maybe, somehow, somewhere in a alternate universe Ben could change but he will have to do that on his own" she thought as she turned off her lamp.


Ben landed in the woods, not too close to the resistance ship nor close to any civilization where they could find him or steal his only way out of the planet if things go wrong.

He walked through the familiar forest where the force bond he had with Rey earlier occurred.

"What am I even going to tell Rey?, that I came to lead the resistance and help her ? After all the evil I've done" he thought to himself.

He started pacing back and fourth in the woods until he finally found the courage to sneak into the falcon where Rey was.


Rey kept tossing and turning , she couldn't fall asleep for some reason.

She walked out of the room quietly so she wouldn't wake up anyone and got a drink of water.

Then she felt a familiar presence, she though it was another force bond but instead it felt more real and stronger.

Her surroundings were dark.

"Who's there? Ben? Is it you?" She whispered with a tremble in her voice.

She walked towards the darkness of the hallway with goosebumps in her arms.

She then felt a large hand pull her inside a closet covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream.

It didn't work though because she was screaming inside of the big hand.

"Ouch! What's your problem Rey?" Ben shouted when he felt her bite his hand.

Rey turned on the light. It was Ben.

"What the- what are you doing here Ben?"

"I came back for you Rey" Ben replied quietly starring into her eyes.

"Why? Would you come here though? It's dangerous, If anyone see's you they will demand for you to be killed" rey said with a slight shiver.

"You told me the truth today and I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to leave the first order, I wasn't happy there, not if I'm without you" Ben says with an eye twitch.

Rey looks at him in the eye and got closer to him as she did in the elevator back in the supremacy ship.

Ben leans in closer as well.

He grabs her hand and puts it inside of his, finger tips touching.

Their lips were one space apart and when they were about to kiss the closet door opens.

It was Poe Dameron.

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