Chapter 4 (The saviour)

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Rey's p.o.v
Ben and I look at poe at the same time.

Poe took out his blaster and blasted ben right
through his upper chest.

"Ben !" I shout with a tremble.

He fell down immediately and his eyes closed, I couldn't feel his heavy breathing anymore.

"Why? Why?! Would you do that to him" I shout at poe with horror and tears in my eyes.

"I love him poe" I shout slapping poe in the chest hard .

"You took him away from me! You killed ben solo" I shout trying to control my breathing because I was crying so much that I couldn't hardly breathe.
I wake up with a loud scream.

It was all a horrible nightmare and I knew I was awake now when I look out the window and see that it was daytime and we were still in Chandrilla.

I rub my eyes that were wet from all the crying and get up relieved that it was just a nightmare and not real.

I make three buns in my hair and put on my resistance uniform.

I walk outside of the room and everyone was running everywhere rapidly from all directions.

I walk quickly to the breakfast table to see if anyone knows what's going on.

Rose was the only one sitting in the breakfast table and she had a worried look on her face.

"Rose what's going on ? Why is everyone going crazy around here ?" I ask her looking around to see if finn was here.

"Last night someone from the first order tried to break into the falcon" she said with a worried look.

"Who was it ?" I ask thinking about my nightmare.

"Nobody will tell me , only poe knows and the resistance leaders" she replies with a shrug .

"Finn actually went out to look for poe to ask him" she added nervously.

"We need to go look for them" I say knowing that what I really wanted to know was who was the mysterious trams-passer who would be dumb enough to enter the resistance ship without consent.

"Yes but finn told me to tell you to stay here, he said he knew you would try to come after them" she says nervously.

"I don't care let's go Rose" I say back stubbornly walking out of the breakfast room.
We walk outside.

"Where would they go to imprison a prisoner?" I ask rose looking outside at the meadow.

"They might've headed to the Chandrilla council to punish him with the real authorities" she replies nervously.

"Him?" I ask rose raising an eyebrow. She knew something about who the prisoner was and I needed to find out.

Her head goes down.

"Rose tell me who's him" I tell her stepping closer to her.

"Fine !" She shouts with a guilty look.

"They are taking Kylo Ren to the council" she says nervously playing with her hands.

I don't say anything and just start running quickly towards the city.

"Rey! Wait! Where are you going" Rose shouts running towards me trying to catch up.

I was running faster than I have ever ran before. I had no idea whatsoever where the council was but knew that if I didn't make it in time they would kill ben.

I enter the city and see a big building that says "bringing peace to the galaxy since the old republic" it seemed like a building that would belong to the council.

I ran inside and get stopped by some troopers I have never seen before they were wearing a completely grey suit.

"Stop right there, you can't enter the council meeting unless you have an invitation" he says with a robotic tone.

I take out my blaster and impulsively blast him , I start running again but other troopers start running after me.

I at least got to make it through the entrance and start approaching the big room that has a sign that says "Do not disturb, meeting in progress"

I was about to run in when a trooper grabs my arm and pushes me back.

"Let go of me you bucket head" I shout as I use my legs to open the council door.

All I got to see was a ben tied down on a chair getting zapped by a protocol droid.
Ben's p.o.v
All I could feel was the electricity passing through my veins.

I have been getting tortured by this protocol droid for as long as the meeting begun.

I felt a familiar presence and heard a familiar shout "BEN!"

It was rey who was being pulled back by some kind of resistance trooper.

She came for me I thought before I got zapped another last time which made me fall unconscious.
Third person p.o.v
Poe, who was attending the council saw rey being pushed by the resistance troopers and orderd them to let her go.

When they let go of rey she runs in and runs directly to ben who was on the chair unconscious.

"BEN!" She shouts frantically going up to him slapping his face so he can wake up.

"Rey?" He wakes up quickly.

"Ben I'm getting you out of here" she says untying him from the chair.

"Rey what the heck are you doing ?" Poe says looking at her in confusion.

"No poe what are you doing ? This is not the right way , nobody deserves torture no matter how evil they are" Rey says with a loud voice.

Ben was still half awake but Rey put his arm around her for support.

"We are leaving, meet you in the falcon poe" Rey says angrily trying to hold ben steady.

"Thank you" ben says weary.

Rey glances at him and nods .
They arrive in the falcon and rey takes ben to her room .

She places ben in her bed.

"Stay here and get rest" she says quietly as she puts another pillow under ben's head gently.

He nods and closes his eyes.

Rey walks out of the room and to the table to give poe a piece of her mind, but gets stop halfway to a confused finn.

"Why did you save him Rey? What's the matter with you ?" Finn says with a confused but disappointed look.
Authors note: hope your enjoying it so far, p.s the picture up there is the Chandrila council building :) btw I have just realized how long this chapter is o whale 😂

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