Chapter 9 (The final battle pt 1)

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Rey's p.o.v

We arrive in the main hangar all of us together.

The action begins quickly, troopers from all directions start shooting at us but they were loosing quickly because Poe, Finn, and Rose were shooting at them using the tie fighter's laser blaster.

I get off the tie fighter and run quickly blocking all the blaster shots with my saber.

Good thing that the troopers were too distracted fighting off Poe and the rest of them so they hardly notice me.

I know how to get around here thankfully so I run through the shortcuts where troopers would most likely spot me.

I felt the force strongly again and knew that Ben was closer than I thought.

I take the elevator downstairs without getting caught and suddenly when the elevator door opens I hear the red alarm go off.

The first order must know I'm here I thought to myself quietly as I cursed under my breath.

I hide behind the walls there  were troopers guarding the cells, But I dont care there was no time to be safe I needed to get Ben out of there and that's all I'm worried  about.

I run to both of the troopers who were covering the jail cell and I fight them off using my light saber slicing both of them in half.

I look into the dark cell.

"Ben, are you in there?" I ask quietly.

I get no response and slice the cell bars to get inside.

A tan alien with four eyes comes out and says "your my hero" happily.

"No, no,no!" I shout.

"Where is Ben?!" I demand the alien.

"Does he have the black of the hair?" He asks in a funny voice.

"Yes, he is tall too! Do you know where he is?" I ask frantically.

"No I do not know of where he is , but I do know where he has gone" the alien says with a smirk.

"Just tell me where he is!" I ask annoyed.

"The troopers have taken him" It says  getting out of the jail cell.

"OH NO!" I yell my eyes filling up with tears.

Then I realize I was too loud because all of sudden there were more than nineteen troopers behind me pointing at me with their blaster.

"Put down your weapon scavenger scum" one of them shouts.

I knew I wasn't going to win battling more than nineteen troopers but I needed to try.

They all run to me and I swing my new green lightsaber that I made with some parts that I scavenged back in jakku.

I start off good striking five troopers that come near me and force kick one of them making him tumble with four others but then some six other masked dark figures appear extending out their hands towards me and I collapse on the ground unconsciously.


Ben's p.o.v

Snoke swings his two sided saber and runs towards me with his metallic legs.

I force grab my saber that was sitting on the throne and swing it angrily running as I shout at snoke.

Both of our sabers ignite together and it was just a test of who's saber would go down first, our sabers stayed connected for a minute like Rey and mine's did back in starkiller forest.

"Your weak little boy, you let love for a scavenger scum make you weak! That girl is nothing and you let her change the mighty Kylo ren" He shouts at me almost making me fall from anger.

I use my other hand and force grab the throne out of the floor and push it on snoke's  head.

"She is not scum! You are" I yell slicing his hand open.

He falls on the floor with the heavy throne trapping his head.

Then the elevator door opens and Rey was being dragged by my knights of ren.

"Rey!" I yell as I run over to her who was unconscious on the floor.

The knights wouldn't let me get close to her and were betraying me.

"I made y'all ! How dare y'all betray me like this y'all are foolish and have made the wrong choice" I shout at them as I ignite my saber to fight them.

Then all of the sudden one of them comes out and force chokes me very intensely that i can't breathe.

I instantly knew that snoke has been training them.

"Let- urg ah go of urghhh me" I try to say loosing my breath slowly.

I then hear a voice "Ben you can do this, trust the force and find something worth fighting for"

I see a hologram appear of a young man with long dirty blonde hair and a metallic hand.

"It's me Ben, your grandfather anakin" he says with a smile.

I look over at him still trying to release myself from the force choke.

I think over what he says and knew that I was fighting for Rey.

I force grab my lightsaber that was on the floor and stab the knight that had me on force lock.

Rey wakes up instantly and looks at me with a smile.

"Ben !" She shouts running towards me and I run towards her also grabbing her in my arms tightly.

I grab her waist and swing her up gently with a smile, then I put her down and she puts her head on my chest.

"I'm never going to let you go" she says with tears in her eyes.

I wrap my arms around her back.

"Neither will I" I say with a smile.

All of the sudden I hear a shot go off.

I look at Rey who's screaming, terror fills my eyes and tears.

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