Chapter 6 (The announcement)

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Third person p.o.v
That afternoon ben arrives to the supremacy ship without any trouble.

He gets off of the tie silencer and gets prepared to be questioned by Hux and the whole first order.


"We need to hold a meeting" ben says before hux could finish his sentence.

"You dare come here and give me orders! You do not deserve to be supreme leader , you never did" Hux shouts his face turning red with anger and envy.

"I am your supreme leader and you will take orders from me" ben yells back force choking Hux who was mid way in the air because of the force choke.

Ben lets him go and he falls quickly into the cold dark first order floor.

Ben walks off to go to the main cockpit to start his meeting that he will start with our without Hux's concent.
Meanwhile in the resistance ship Rey was trying to get the whole resistance ship to come together for a meeting.

Rose walks up to Rey who was sitting in the table with her head on the table.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm trying to get everyone to listen to me but nobody seems to want to listen, they are all busy but I have something important to say" Rey says with a frown.

"I'll help you then" rose says with that bright smile that can make anyone's day light up.

"Thanks rose" Rey says standing up with a smile.

"C'mon" Rose says with a smile as she walks out of the break room with Rey.

They walk to the main cockpit room.

Rose stands up on top of the table where everyone was sitting and talking.


Rey giggles at rose standing in the table. Rose smiles at her with a wink.

Everyone looks at Rose shocked and finn grabs her hand and pulls her off the table.

"Rose what are you doing ?" He asks with a small nervous chuckle.

"Rey has an announcement for the whole resistance" she says loudly.

Rey walks in front of the table, her cheeks a bit pink.

"Guys, we have been fighting this battle for too long and need to stop because we aren't going anywhere with it" Rey begins to say.

"And um, Ben and uh" Rey starts tumbling in her words not knowing exactly what to say.

She thinks about ben and all of a sudden he appears in a force bond in the back of the whole sea of resistance leaders watching her blankly deliver her speech.

She gets distracted by seeing Ben's perfect face.

"Rey , you can do this , you are a natural born leader, I believe in you" ben whispers behind all the people.

Rey was the only one who could here his soft and cooling whisper.

She smiles remembering that she isn't alone and ben is always going to be there for her.

"As I was saying , ben and I have found a way to work together to bring peace and balance to the galaxy where there will be no more battle or chaos" Rey continues.

"So you have been tootling with the first order's supreme leader ?" An alien from the crowd shouted.

Rey ignores him.

"Leia Organa wouldn't have wanted this chaos, she would have chosen peace and balance" Rey continues saying.

"Ben is now talking to the first order and he's suggesting the same thing as I am , peace" Rey says looking at the back of the room where the force bond has ended.

"How do you know ?" Someone yells.

"Because I know him well enough" Rey says with a blush.
As soon as the force bond ends between ben and Rey ben walks to the main cockpit to start the meeting.

Everyone ignores ben when he walks in trying to avoid him.

"Listen up everybody , I have an announcement to make as supreme leader" he shouts in the middle of the room.

Everyone looks at him with bored faces and keeps doing what they were doing.

Ben shouts from the top of his lungs, annoyed that nobody was paying attention.

"When I say listen , y'all listen understood!" He yells as everyone looks back at him and puts their full attention on him.

"We will no longer be fighting the resistance and they will no longer be fighting us, we will come to a compromise where there will be peace and justice in the galaxy" ben says confidently.

Hux enters the room.

"Justice ? There is no such thing as justice when you murdered snoke!" Hux yells.

Everyone gasps .

Ben looks at him shocked that he would find out.

"I know things around here and I know where you went yesterday! You were in Chandrilla with the girl who helped you murder snoke, Rey the scavenger" Hux adds.

"Now you must be punished" Hux says with a smirk.

Troopers start running from all over the place and try to grab ben who starts fighting them off one by one .

He kicks and makes four troopers tumble but behind him he gets grabbed by two troopers and gets knocked on the floor.

He force jumps back into action and starts slicing them one by one with his saber.

There were still too many troopers left and they seen that he was fighting back so one trooper shot his leg so he fell down and got carried away.

This was not how things were supposed to go , ben thought silently to himself as he gets carried into the jail cell downstairs.

Author's note: I know I added a lot of Rose in this chapter just because she's super underrated and going to have an interesting role ahead :)  p.s next chapter has much more reylo scenes 😀

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