Vampire crush - Larry Stylinson - Book 2 - Chapter 6

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Louis pov

"What the hell! I am so sick of this!" I was so angry and scared now that I had to contain myself so that I wouldn't hit anything.

"I'll go call Marta" said Niall and went outside to talk to her.

"Louis, it's okey" Harry came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"We're okey" Harry tried his best to calm me, but I was too out of it.

"We may be okey now, but this is not going to stop!" I said.

The dream had come back again and this time we had dug deeper towards our heart. But the scary thing now was that we had in our sleep tried to take our hearts out. It wasn't any serious injury at all, just some tiny scratch mark, but still, this was over the line.

"Marta is already on her way. She'll be here before 15:00 she said" Niall said and walked to Katherine who was sitting by the table. Her sight was distant. Niall leaned down and hugged her.

"Are you okey?" He whispered.

"I don't know" she said.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked. 

"I don't know. We have tried to distract ourselves but it keeps coming back" Harry said. He had taken my hand and was stroking me calmly with his thumb. He tried to hide his fear and be brave, but I could feel that he was in shock and just as scared as everyone else.

"I guess we'll just have to wait" Katherine said. Everybody looked at her, because she usually didn't say anything in these situations.

"Yeah, that'll be best" Niall said. 

Liam and Josh stayed down to watch a movie, Niall and Katherine went into their room and me and Harry went to ours.

"You don't have to you know?" I said when Harry had closed the door.

"Do what?"he asked and looked at me with a confused look.

"Stay brave. Not cry. Not show how scared you are to spear us. It's okey. We are all scared" I said. I sat down on the end of our bed and looked at my hands.

"You know me too well" Harry said and walked to me and kneeled down.

"Because I love you" I said. I was at the edge  of tears.

"I love you too" Harry whispered. He leaned his forehead against mine and held my head in his hands.

"You make me feel so special. Like I am some kind of precious diamond that you can't bear to lose" I said.

"You are. I could not bear to live with out you. You are my purpose for being here" Harry said.

"You are so cheesy" I laughed.

"Everything for you, babe" Harry said and winked.

Katherine pov

"Babe. You don't have to do this" Niall came into the bathroom from the bedroom.

"I've told you before, I want too" I said. He hugged me from behind and we stared at our reflection in the mirror.

" if I didn't love you or didn't want this..." I gestured at our hands that were intertwined

"I wouldn't have done it" I said.

"I just don't want you to be hurt, or scared" He kissed my shoulder.

"I know. But we will get through this" I said.

Since the dream had started, Niall had constantly said that if I didn't want any of this supernatural stuff anymore he would get me home and make sure that I wouldn't see him or his friends again. At first I had been angry and thought he didn't love me anymore, but then I understood that he did this because he love me, like I stayed because I love him.

"I'm not going anywhere" I whispered. I turned around and put my arms around his neck. I began to play with his hair and he closed his eyes and leaned his head on my shoulder. He loved it when I fondled with his hair.

He was holding round my waist, and one of his hand slides up and began to play with the tip of my hair.

I also loved to be touched in my hair.

"Come, let's go to bed" I said and took his hand.

Niall and I hadn't had sex jet. I was to insecure about myself to bring my self to do it,  I didn't feel ready and I was pretty nervous too. Niall was very kind and respected that, and wanted to wait until I was ready. But he was sad that I felt insecure about myself, and he complimented me a lot and he was always saying sweet words to me. That made me really happy and I felt so lucky that I had a guy like Niall. 

We cuddled up together and he began to sing for me. He knew that I loved music so one day I had waken up from a nightmare he had sung for me. And since then he always did that when I was scared or worked up about something.

"I love you" I whispered. He stopped his singing. I didn't say that so often, not because I didn't love him but because those where just big words.

"And I love you" he said. He caught my eyes with his and leaned in and kissed me. We kept on snugging and it made me forget the bad stuff. At least for now.

13:40 Marta arrived at our island. The boys helped her carrying her things to her room which was here on the first floor. While all our rooms was at the 2.

"Hi, you must be Marta" I said when she came in.

"Yes sweetie, and you are Katherine?" She asked. She gave me a hug and looked in my eyes with so much wisdom and understanding that I almost cried.

"Yes" I said and put up my best smile. I could feel there was some kind of power around her, and that she was a strong woman both physically and magic-vise.

She stroke my cheek and I immediately began to relax a little. Then she turned and faced the others.

"I can defiantly sense some strong dark magic here. Your dreams are defiantly caused by someone or something. I'm surprised that you haven't noticed anything" she said.

"Notice? What? How?" Josh said.

"The presence of dark magic. You are supernatural so you are sounded by a supernatural era all the time, so that have to be why you didn't notice this, even though it's so strong. But Katherine..." She put a hand on my shoulder.

"... She have sensed something. You said you thought you saw a shadow here didn't you?" She asked and I nodded.

"That was her instinct that knew something was up. Have you felt anything else odd, like just and odd era or something?"

"No, just the feeling of not being alone here. Maybe that's because I've got used to Niall and the others presence" I said.

"Yes, probably" she said.

"Marta, you don't think it's..?" Louis asked.

"No. Can't be. She is dead" Marta replied.

" but maybe she put a spell that would just work in some time or something" Harry said

"That's not a dumb thought, but I'd be surprised if it was this strong... I'll do some investigations around here and see what I find out" Marta said and began to walk towards her her room but stopped in the door.

"Please try to enjoy the rest of the day, and I'll find something to help you sleep, and hopefully find out what this is all about" she said and then entered her room.

"I guess well just have to wait until she figure out something. Who's up for a swim?" Niall said as he took my hand and we all headed out.

Vampire crush - Larry Stylinson - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now