Vampire crush - Larry Stylinson - Book 2 - Chapter 3

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Everybody's pov

I was walking in a dark area. I didn't know where I was, if I was home or on the island.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" I shouted. I got this intense feeling that someone was watching me.

A cold breeze suddenly appeared and I put my arms around myself to keep myself warm.

After walking for forever I saw a little light spot burning far away. I began to run towards it, but when I got to it it wasn't like I had hoped.

There was 6 stones placed in a circle, and in front of 5 of the stones, there was a body. And from the body a light was leaking out and into the middle.

"No... Who did this." I felt tears in my eyes as I looked at the corpse of all my friends, and my lover. Then I noticed the mirror behind the stone without a corpse. I walked towards It and stopped when my reflection became visible.

My eyes was drenched with tears, but that wasn't the worst part. My hands where filled with blood, and I saw that the hands of the other corpses also was covered in blood.

"What does this mean?" I asked myself.

"You're next" a voice appeared somewhere, but I couldn't tell from which direction.

"What? Who are you? Why did you do this?" I asked, and turned around.

"Soon" the voice said. I couldn't hear if it was a male or female voice.

Suddenly a black smoke spread over me, and filled the circle.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"Your mine now" the voice said. Suddenly I was lying on the ground and I saw a light leak out of me into the middle. When my light had reached the others, it became a light ball, which was spinning around itself.

The top of it began to pull upwards, towards the dark smoke.

"Yours soul is mine now!" The voice said. It began to laugh an evil laughter as the light reached it and got sucked up and away from us.

Harry pov

I sat up in my bed as I gasped for air. I looked to the side and saw Louis sit there too.

"Nightmare?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"" He asked.

"Yes..."  Louis sat up and put his arms around me.

"Your crying Lou" I said as I wiped away a tear from his cheek.

"You too" he said, his voice was just as shaky as mine. He wiped it away and I took his hand and squeezed it.

"What did you dream about?" I asked as I put my hand on Louis back and started to caress it.

"I walked in complete darkness until I saw a white light. I ran towards it, and when I got there...." His voice cracked and he started to sob.

"There was our bodies laying in a circle, with our soul leaking out?" I continued. Louis looked at me with a questioning mine.

"I had the same dream...." I answered his unasked question. I didn't realize I was shaking all over, before Louis put his and on my shoulders and murmured that it was okey.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it was just a sick coincidence" Louis said, but both him and I knew thar that was most likely not the reason.

"Let's go down and heat up some tea water. Tea always help" Louis said and took my hand and started to lead me towards the door.

Before we walked out I stopped and Louis turned and looked at me.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I'm scared" I whispered and looked down.

Louis didn't say anything, just pulled me into a long hug.

I let the last tears drop down on his shoulder, and pulled away.

Louis looked up at me and caressed my cheek.

"It will be okey. We've made it through tough times before" Louis said.

The event 147 years ago still hunted us sometimes. It wasn't that often anymore, but it happened that Louis would wake up from nightmares, and as for me. It was mostly me thou.

We walked out of our room and towards the kitchen. We walked down the stairs but stopped before we got down. By the kitchen table sat Katherine and Niall. 

Katherine was crying and shaking, and Niall was stroking her dark blond hair and whispered loving words to her. I could tell he had been crying too.

"Nightmares?" Louis asked and they looked up. Niall nodded, and Katherine just looked at us with such a lost gaze that I wanted to give her a hug.

"You too?" Niall asked.

"Yes... What the hell does this mean?" Louis asked.

"The next thing we need is Liam an..." Niall couldn't even finish his sentence before we heard a door open and then shut, followed by a pair of footsteps.

Liam and Josh came walking down the stairs on the other side og the living room.

Both of them had cried, but Liam was the worst one. After Zayns death Liam had been terrorized with nightmares. I don't blame him. But I think this one struck him extra hard, I mean; it made all of us shaky and tearful, so I can't imagine what this had done to him.

"Did all of you have that dream too?" Josh asked and we nodded. Liam didn't say anything he just cried silently into Josh's shoulder. Josh leaned down and kissed his head.

Josh knew Liam had a hard time after Zayn, but he didn't knew that Zayns soul was around to be reborn, and defiantly not that it could be him. Because we could never be sure. But josh was very cool about it, and I could see that he was good for Liam, and that made me glad.

"Anyone want tea?" Niall asked. Everybody nodded and he gave Katherine a kiss on the forehead before he started making the tea.

When the tea was done we all sat around the table.

"Is this a vampire thing?" Katherine asked.

"No. Or I have at least never heard about anything like this" Louis said.

"What should we do about it? I mean, this can't be a coincidence" Josh asked.

"I don't know. Right now I don't know if we can do anything. No this can't be a coincidence, but we don't know anything about the cause or how long it will last. It may be some kind of sickness, but I doubt it" Louis said and everybody fell into deep thoughts

"What if we call Marta? She knows everything" Niall asked.

Yes, Marta is still alive. Supernatural creatures age very slowly, if they age at all. There are a few rare species who live as long as an average human, but they are almost extinct now.

"Okey, but I think we should wait. At least until we know more of it. Like, if we have that dream again or something else happens" Louis said.

"Maybe it have something to do with that shadow I saw. It looked pretty real. I don't think we are alone on this island" Katherine said. Niall took hair hand.

"Only time will prove that. But we should all keep our eyes open. There is definitely something going on" Louis said.

When we where done with the tea, we all said good night and headed towards our bedroom. But I don't think that anyone could sleep anymore this night thou.

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