Steve imagine❤️🏡

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I was really worried about my boyfriend, Steve. He and Soda had gone to a drag race and he hasn't come home since. It was about 1 am and I was getting tired of waiting. I decided to walk over to the Curtis house to see if Steve had gone home with Soda. When I reached the Curtis house I saw Pony laying on the couch reading a book and Darry on the phone in the kitchen. I opened the door and Pony glanced up.

   "Soda?!" Darry called from the kitchen. I waved to Pony.

"Nope, just me." I yelled back. Darry ran into the living room.

"Have you seen that boyfriend of yours or Soda?!" He asked with a concerned look on his face. I shook my head no and sighed.

"That's why I came over here. Steve hasn't come home yet and I was checking to see if he had come home with Soda." I but my lip, pretty worried now.

"Come on, were gonna go looking for em." He pulled a jacket on and threw a sweatshirt at Pony. "Your coming too." He told Pony. Pony nodded and threw the book on a chair.

"Let's go then." He sighed, slipping on the sweatshirt.

We started walking to Two-bits house to get his help. "Do you think we should stop by Johnny's?" I asked glancing at the Johnny's house. I didn't hear any yelling so I assumed his parents were either passed out or not home.

"Why not." Pony ran over to Johnny's and knocked on the door. I saw a shorter darker boy open the door and knew immediately Johnny had been hit. Johnny and I had been best friends for a long time now.

"You alright Johnny?" I asked examining the bruises on his face and neck. He nodded and sighed.

"I'm fine Y/N, let's just find Steve and Soda. I know your probably a nervous wreck right now." He said quietly. I nodded and gave him a light pat on the back.

"Your right, I hope the socs didn't get them." I started thinking out loud. Pony winced when I said Socs. I knew that he didn't have the greatest past with them.

"Me too. But their tough I'm sure they could have scared them off." Pony reassured me, I think he said it to reassure himself too. We walked a little ways until we reached the DX. I immediately froze where I was standing when I saw Steve and Soda talking to two soc girls.

"Y/N..." Pony whispered. I couldn't think straight, the only thing in my mind was Steve and the girl. She had long curly blonde hair and fair skin. I didn't care who she was, I didn't like her.

"Save it." I muttered and started walking home. Pony sighed and called Steve's name. He looked over at us and lost almost all the color in his face. The girl rolled her eyes and flipped her perfectly combed hair. Jealousy shot through me as I watched how close she was getting. Then I heard him say the most wonderful thing he could have said.

"Look Mindy, for the last time... I have a girlfriend!" He then walked up to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "She's right here." He said after hugging me tight. I smiled sourly and repeated her hair flip.

"Whatever. I was just looking for some fun anyway. Come on Alice these dirty greasers aren't worth it." The other girl chuckled and kissed Soda on the cheek. Soda smiled but as she turned away from him he made a gagging face.

"Bye girls." He said in a fake sweet voice. They waved at him and then walked back to a baby pink mustang. I looked back at Steve and kissed him again.

"Where were you?!" I said, suddenly remembering why I was out in the first place. He smiled and took a deep breath.

"Me and Soda we're leaving the drag race when a group of soc girls walked up to us. We told them we both had girlfriends but they didn't listen. After a while a lot of them gave up and left but those girls would not leave us alone. So instead of going home and risking them follow us we went here. Lucky we did because not 5 minutes after we arrived here they pulled up and started flirting again." He explained pausing a few times to kiss me. It was my turn to take a deep breath. I couldn't believe they followed them, what creeps.

"Thank you for explaining baby. I almost allowed myself to believe you were cheating on me." I said slightly embarrassed. He laughed and so did the rest of the gang.

"Never babygirl. Your my one and only." He whispered before picking me up bridal style and carrying me home.

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