DustBerry -Bounded Part Two-

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Welp as requested I present you with!


Hope you guys enjoy!


It had been a few years since Blue had been free he and Dust had two children of their own running around and they had gotten married. A lot has happened these past few years, Blue was sitting on the couch inside leaning on Dust who was looking out the window every so often to check on the kids. This made Blue giggle "You so cute when you worry" Blue spoke happily as he hugged Dust's arm. Dust looked at Blue a bit surprised by his sudden voice and a bright purple blush on his face he knows he should have been used to this by now but to Dust, Blue was just to damn cute Dust stammered to compliment him back Blue just laughed at his flustered husband and kissed his cheek before stopping fear striking into his SOUL his child had screamed "MOMMY HELP!" Blue shot up from the couch and bolted to the front door throwing it open and ran outside to where his children were. Two kids stood there one was shaking while the other was growling angrily "Fury! Where's Sprinkle!?" Fury who had been previously growling looked up at his mother and pointed at a tree. Blue looked at the tree and there was Sprinkle in the hands of another demon Blue gasped before yelling "DUST!" before Blue knew it Dust was at Blue's side looking up at the tree he growled, "Nightmare give me back my kid!" the demon who was known as Nightmare jumped out of the tree laughing Sprinkle had tears in his eyes but he was also trying to bite said demon "Now." Dust growled in his demonic tone making Nightmare laugh more before handing Sprinkle over to Dust.

Fury punched Nightmare in the leg before walking up to his older brother Bluescreen who had been shaking in fear. Blue quickly took Sprinkle out of Dust's hand and checked him over for any injuries before hugging him tightly Sprinkle just hugged back burying his face into his mothers baby blue scarf. Even though it was perfectly normal for a five-year-old to be scared of something like that Sprinkle couldn't help but feel weak but he knew better than to think like that not to mention it's hard to think like that when your mother is whispering how proud they are of you for being so strong. Blue just watched as Nightmare and Dust talked seemingly have a very serious conversation, Blue sighed before kneeling down to be level with Fury and Bluescreen "Are you two ok?" Blue's sweet voice snapped Fury and Bluescreen out of their trance both of them had been staring down Nightmare with the worse glare they could muster. Fury looked at his mother before hugging him and nodding "I'm ok mama." Bluescreen hugged Blue...well more like tackle hugged him send Blue crashing to the ground with three kids in his arms Blue could help but laugh at his Bluescreen's actions seeing as he was probably jealous about not getting a hug. 

Dust looked over to Blue after hearing a 'Thud' before smiling at the sight of his husband(/Wife?) and children laughing and hugging each other "Quite the family you got there." Nightmare said looking at Dust's family as well with a smile. Dust chuckled and looked at Nightmare "Yep I am one lucky bastard? How are you and Error?" (Errormare anyone?) Nightmare laughed slightly "Were doing ok. We have our own little rascal running around. He's about four." Dust smiled at Nightmare before Nightmare sighed "Anyways we're getting off topic." Dust shook his head and sighed "Right. Sorry." Nightmare waved off the apology before continuing what he was saying "So if that really is the angle that was bounded to the tree of feelings Ink is looking for him. He seems really pissed off too." Dust nodded and crossed his arm "So, do you know's Inks plans by chance?"  Nightmare looked at the ground before looking back up at Dust "Well from the looks of it Ink has gone on a witch hunt for the demon that set Blue free. From what I've heard he plans to kill the demon and take Blue back" Dust growled, "Over my dead body." Nightmare shrugged "Thought you mine say something like that" Dust just gave Nightmare a blank look "So what are you going to try and stop me now?" Nightmare laughed "What no! This isn't some sort of story book! I'm no hero Dust and I don't plan on starting now, but I won't help you either I have my own kid to protect, but I can offer you temporary shelter for you and your family if ever needed." Dust nodded and looked at Blue and the kids before looking back at Nightmare "Understood, but do you think you can tell me everything you know about Ink." Nightmare nodded before telling Dust everything he had known of Ink.

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