Error x Ink -Sweet Love-

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For the fan, who said I don't write any Errink. Here you go ^^


Ink held his new soul, his eyes glimmering with tears as he smiled at the small frail heart. He smiled, as tears trailed down his ink-stained cheeks, he had finally done it! He finally got a soul of his very own and he couldn’t be happier. He looked up at the black boned skeleton who stood in front of him, his face was tinted with yellow blush seeming embarrassed as he shifted side to side nervously. Ink broke down into giggles as he pushed the small soul into his chest and tackled the taller into a tight hug. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Ink cried out, Error had been gone for weeks and when Ink finally saw him again, instead of fighting Error just shoved a small multicolored soul into his hands. At that moment his body felt whole and a surge of emotions flooded him, happiness being the strongest emotion. Error glitched badly and gently pushed Ink off him muttering a grumpy your welcome. He kicked at the blank ground of the anti-void refusing to look at the short artistic skeleton. Ink just smiled and held his hands close to his chest, how would he ever repay Error for this?


Time flew by and Ink spent all his time learning what every emotion felt like, he loved learning how the excitement of hanging out with friends felt, and what deep sadness was. Ink loved being able to connect to everyone fully now, especially Error on a level he should’ve been able to a long time ago. Ink sat on the edge of a cliff in OuterTale humming softly to himself as he looked at the sky. He looked around taking all the beautiful stars and galaxies that surrounded him. The soft bluegrass and echo flowers that filled the plain of the cliff he was on, he pushed his hands into the lush grass and took a deep breath, he slowly let himself fall backward. He blinked when he didn’t feel his head land on the grass but instead on a boney appendage. He looked up and smiled brightly, Ink quickly rolled over and sat up. 

“Error!” Ink squeaked in happiness as Error sat next to him his fingers already tangled in strings,

“HeLlO INkY.” Error greeted shortly trying to pull his fingers free of the strings that encased them, Ink giggled and helped him free his fingers, surprised by the lack of glitching Error did when he touched his hands. Error quickly noticed his surprise, “BlUE HAs BEen HElPInG mE GEt USed To ThiiS tOUchIng ThinG.” Error quickly stated and Ink nodded, 

“Blue has always been a sweetheart!” Ink hummed and quickly flopped back looking at the sky and raised his hands up. “It’s so pretty here, it makes me feel really calm and peaceful.” Ink whispered mostly to himself, he loves describing the way things make him feel now, sometimes Error would join in and they would talk for hours about how things felt. Ink glanced to his left hearing a small grunt only to see Error laying down next to him, his multicolored hands resting in his red sweater covered chest. 

“YeAh It’S rEaLlY NIce HErE, MAkEsS mE prEtTy HaPPy, ReLaxINg hErE It’S sO cAlmIng.” Error muttered through his glitching trying to calm his voice down so he could speak with fewer glitches. Geno had been teaching him how to calm his glitching down lately and it’s gotten better. Error cleared his throat and took a deep breath, “I love ThE way the grass feels JuSt like a big BeD. I could sleep HeRe forever.” Error hummed his voice now soft and soothing. Ink just hummed and closed his eyes listening to Error speak about the stars and the way he admired and each and every one of them.

“I like these moments.” Ink blurted out interrupting Error slightly, but the glitchy skeleton didn’t seem to mind all that much.

“WhY’Ss that?” Error hummed glancing over at Ink who seemed all to peaceful to be real. Ink smiled softly and opened his eyes slowly, he turned his head to look at Error.

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