Important Read This [Trigger Warning]

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So, I was reading InKollectLY's book "Where Has Time Gone?", to my surprise, I come across a chapter of a small rant, right?

Oh boy! In this rant I find out about a lady who apparently HATES gays and transsexuals! She talks of them in a god awful way. 

That's the link to the book that posted of her. 

This is extremely Irritating, I have never seen someone so narrow-minded. While it is okay to express your opinion, and everyone has the right to do so. Why must gays and transsexuals have their rights taken away? Simply because she feels they're not people. It baffles me that because of a small difference she has demoted these people to a lower level. A straight person, who has questioned their sexually a few times, I have found that gay and transsexuals are the kindest people out there. They were more understanding than any person you could image, the fact that she puts herself on a higher level is infuriating. She states, 

"I don't want to be touched by you, I don't want to sit next to you on a bus, I don't want you near my family.

The level she is demoting gays and transsexuals to is sick. She genuinely believes they're not people. Reading this infuriated me, to see such narrow mindedness existed is truly upsetting. It's people like her and narrow mindedness that produce the problems that we have today. She is taking people, PEOPLE, and demoting them to an inhuman level. The way she talks about marking the transsexuals so she can avoid them is disgusting. The way she said it I couldn't help but think of Hitler and how he described marking the Jews. The way this woman talks is as if she actually understands. She acts as if being gay and transsexual is easy. That marching for the pride of rights that they deserve is below her. To act as if someone is scum on your shoe is wrong. Honestly, to think, that someone like her exists, it's painful. Why should she, who she claims to be normal, be any lower than a gay, are they not a person to? Just because they're different? While it may be harder for older people to understand since it's such a new thing, shaming it to this degree is wrong. People deserve love all the same, different or not. If we look at this in the same way she does -seeing as more and more people are coming out as gay- she would be a freak and blow others and undeserving to fight for rights she so rightfully deserves. This is truly sick and saddening. It's gross to think she would want to kill someone based on their sexually. If you ask me, this sounds like she wants to treat those who's sexuality that differ from her own, to be treated as the slaves were, as well as the Jew during and after world war two. Truly infuriating, I hope this woman gains a sense of diversity, otherwise, she won't make it very long. She doesn't want to be around them, she'll be locked in her house all the time, just trying to hide from what she clearly doesn't understand. The saying, "We fear what we don't understand." definitely comes into play with this. This is truly -and I don't even have words to really explain what I feel- infuriating.  

This is a new age, a new era even, why are we still trying to put the gays and trans down? What's the point? Just let them be, it's okay not to agree with their life style, that's THEIR choice, you don't have to focus on it! What she's doing is a hurtful and just really, there's no rhyme or reason to it. I find that, putting people down just because you can is a horrible thing to do, there's no point. If the tables were turned I would bet that 100% she would be JUST as angry as the rest of us are now. This...I honestly have now words for this. It's disgusting.

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