A Sweet Little Though -LustBerry Rewrite-

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Another party, another lonely night despite being surrounded by tons of people, all their eyes focused on you. Like animals waiting for their prey, standing up on a flashing stage, the bright lights blinking showing over curves with every seductive move. Forced to act like you're into what you're doing, people disgusted with you because you look like you're having so much fun with it. Yet there they sit staring at you move your body around the pole, swaying back and forth. Lustful bastards.

Lust closed his eyes listening to the music blaring in the background of the bar, trying to ignore the cheering from the disgusting monsters around him. He hated it, every second of it, he doesn't want to do this but it's money. Something him and his brother desperately need but no one is willing to see it his way.

Getting high just to get through it all, he was stoned out of his mind, or at least that's what he would say had he not made a promise to someone. Being sober and doing this is the worst, dancing and doing favors for other monsters while conscious was awful.

Lust spun around the pole and opened his eyes, flinching when he was met face to face with a wolf monster. The stage was gone and so was the cheering, the room around them was dark. Lust shifted in confusion feeling cold bedsheets beneath him, looking around the room he was only met with darkness.

"Good morning babe~! Ready for round two~?" His deep voice growled out his horrid breath brushing across his face. Lusts eyes widened, his eye lights shrinking to pinpricks, closing his eyes he turned to his side.

The breathing pounding in his ears suddenly stopped and he was greeted with silence, he slowly opened his eyes again. Fearing what he would see next, he froze in confusion, he was standing in the corner of a party, a drink in his hand. Skeletons of all kinds were dancing around him, a warm glow was cast over the sea of skeletons drinking, having fun, dancing.

Looking around the sound of the music slowly started to kick in, the sound of DJ Sans' or rather DJ blared through the place. Lust flinched startled by the sudden change; he gripped his cup tighter. Had he been here the whole time? Did he fall asleep here? Questions flew through his head at light speed he didn't understand anything that was going on. Maybe if he closed his eyes, he would be somewhere else?

Slowly closing his eyes, he tuned out the music and looked to the side, slowly opening his eyes he was met with the same scene only he was looking at the stairs this time. People had made their way up the balcony and were talking peacefully with drinks in their hands. A door in front of the stars was decorated with bright blue stars and stickers.

Lust glanced around the house, was he in Blue's house!? He took a deep shaky breath; he doesn't know how he got here. Placing his head in his one free hand he tried to desperately remember how he got here. Nothing coming to mind, drawing up blanks everywhere, he took deep breaths trying to calm himself.


Blue smiled brightly watching his friends party, they moved around the dance floor clearly having a good time. Ink waved Blue over inviting him to dance with the group of people, the blue skeleton looked around and shrugged setting his drink down. He took quick strides over to Ink and Dream who were having a good time dancing at the front of the crowd.

He quickly joined them swaying around with the crowd and to the beat of the music, today was his birthday and he has to say, it's one of the best birthdays he's ever had. Joking and having fun with all of his friends, he even invited some of the more closed off people and even they were having fun!

The skeleton laughed looking around the crowd, it was a rather large party, everyone, he invited actually showed up to his surprise. He closed his eyes losing himself in the music he laughed along with Ink and Dream messing around and dancing like fools.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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