A Sweet Little Thought (LustBerry)

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This was requested by lust_lover!

Hope I got the request to be everything you hoped for! ^^

Also yay, another update! I've been meaning to update my other books but I seem to be having a bit of writer's block at the moment. Soooo, ya that's a thing though I do think they'll be updated soon? 

Well let's hope XD

Anyways without further a dew

I give you LustBerry "A sweet little though"


Another party..another lonely night. One where everyone avoids you like the plague just because of where you come from, look like.....and sometimes act like. Lust sighed as he put a smile on his face his eye-lights dull. He looked at the drink he had in his cup many would think it to be alcohol but...Lust actually hates the taste or even smell of the stuff. He stood in the corner other's quickly walking away from him or sometimes even running. Other's just never made eye contact with him. Lust forced himself not to cry as he swirled his drink around in his cup, thoughts swam around in his head as he spaced out. One thought stood out the most as well as a few others. Anger being in the top three...he had the right to be angry right?... He sighed and moved on from the thought. The rest being darker than he normally would have welcomed into his mind...but the blaring music the sound of laughter and....love filled the air. How come he wasn't allowed to love...and if he did why was it saw as 'fake' or even 'WrOnG' he could feel the tears trying to escape his eye sockets now. A lump in his throat, he quickly took a drink of his punch trying to wash away the feelings of sadness with it. The thoughts just kept coming along with the tears that tried to push there way out of his eye sockets but refused to let happen. He took a deep breath. It wasn't a bad idea....'Suicide'....right? He gripped his cup tightly and glared softly at the floor. No, he had no right to end his life. He had no right to smother out what was given to him just as he had no right to be angry or....even love for that matter. Lust looked up and was met by a pair of baby blue eyes looking up at him worriedly "Lust?" the soft voice rang in Lust's ears it seemed to cut through the music and loud voices echoing around the room. Lust's thoughts stopped as if frozen in time. "I..I ummm. Yes?" He stammered...Lust never studders or wastes a chance to 'flirt'.


Yet another party it was fun. Never a lonely night at parties like this. everyone seems to talk to you and share a laugh with you. It's always nice to meet a new person. he walked around sometimes talking to people or serving them food and drinks he had on a plate held level with my head. he saw some people rushing away from a corner but he couldn't see who was in the corner or what rather. Someone...Red to be exact stopped abruptly in front of him "Blue?! Did you invite him?!!" Red chucked a thumb behind him anger written all over his face but it wasn't directed towards Blue that's for sure. He leaned to look pasted Red and tilted his head slightly as he saw purple, then when someone moved clearly startled Blue could see Lust. The look in his eye sent a shiver down his spine. He knows that look all too well... He then leaned back and put a hand on my hip and glared at Red "Yes? Do you have a problem with that?" Red gulped and shook his head "I-I was ju-just asking." He smiled nervously and Blue raised a bone brow he obviously didn't buy it but before he could say anything Red ran away not wanting to fall victim to Blue's anger. Blue sighed and slowly made his way over to Lust setting the plate he had in his hands on the table. Lust seemed to be lost in his thoughts and if you looked close enough you could see tears trying to push their way to the surface. Blue tensed up slightly he could feel his SOUL grow heavy just from the thought of what Lust could be thinking. Blue now stood in front of Lust his eye's glowed with worry as he looked up at the sad skeleton. "Lust?" Blue said softly he was sacred he had said it too softly but was shocked to see Lust rais he head and look at him "I..I ummm. Yes?" Lust studdered.

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