Snow Day Fun -ErrorFresh-

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Finally made another short story with my new writing style, sheesh, 

Sorry, it took me so long to update this book! There should, however, be more short stories coming soon! As it helps with my massive writer's block lmao! Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 


The cold winter snow drifted to the ground, sprinkling it in pure white, this time of year was always beautiful. Ever since the AU's collided to make one large AU, everything had calmed down. People began living their lives and building up a world for themselves creating such a wonderful world, even those that destroy, or guard have turned in and started to live normal lives. It was peaceful now, the city ran ramped with monsters and humans alike, the winter just made it better.

Error took a deep breath and rubbed his thinly covered arms, he sighed a puff of air leaving his nose, showing up in the cold winter air. The skeleton looked around and closed his eyes taking in the world around him. He hated being in public places but as of right now, he didn't really mind. Opening his eyes after a moment he looked down the snow-covered sidewalk, the person he was supposed to be meeting nowhere in sight. He grumbled quietly to himself and shivered as a gust of wind rushed down the streets and past him. This is the worst time to be late for a meeting when it's windy and cold.

Error promptly fished his phone out of his pocket and held it up to his face, straining his eyes to see the screen. He huffed and glared at the clock on his phone, 3:23 pm, Error rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back into his pocket. It's already getting late as is, maybe he should just leave and cancel this whole thing altogether.

"Sup Broksi." A gentle hand was placed on the shorter dark skeletons shoulder, Error jumped and spun around hands balled into fists ready for a fight. The tall colorful skeleton grinned and held his hands up in mock surrender. "Whoa, whoa pal-o, no need 'ta get so wiggyity wiggity wack." He chuckled and smiled at Error, he pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose, Error glared at him and slowly lowered his hands.

"What took you so long? It's freezing out here you know?" He hissed and rubbed his arms again trying to gain back some warmth.

"Sorry Broksi, that's like totally unfresh of me." The tall skeleton cracked a joke off his own name and scratched the back of his neck. Error raised a non-existent eyebrow at him before rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever Fresh. Let's just go." Fresh smiled and nodded tipping his hat at Error he started to lead the way down the street. Leading Error over to a festival looking area, filled with food stalls, tiny shops, and many other things. The place was packed with people and monsters, Error instinctively inched behind Fresh glaring at all the people. Fresh just chuckled and walked right into the large crowd of people, Error tailing behind him.

"No need 'ta worry broski! This'll be totes fun!" Fresh enthused, pushing his way past people in the large crowd. He clearly had his mind set on one area, in particular, Error just grumbled his answer hissing every time someone bumped into him and slowed him down.

Fresh paused for a moment waiting for Error to catch back up through the sea of people. He sighed and grinned when Error finally caught up, "Here broksi I gots a totally fresh idea. But don't totes freak." Fresh spoke softly and reached out gently grabbing Error's wrist, the smaller skeleton glitched out for a moment, glaring up at Fresh.

"Let go." Error demanded softly, tugging his wrist back in a half-hearted attempt to get away from Fresh. Fresh just smiled at Error,

"It's just for now Brospeh. So, you totes don't get lost in 'da crowd." Fresh explained and began to lead Error through the crowd once more. Error grumbled sighed letting Fresh lead him around for now. Every now and again someone would bump into Error but thankfully he was never thrown off course now that Fresh was holding onto his wrist.

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