I'm Sorry... (FirstStar)

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I blame @ThatFallenSlave for getting me into this beautiful ship!


Ok, ok I'll let the story start now

Sorry for the angst I couldn't help it ^^"



That's the first feeling that comes to mind when you think of being with someone you love. However...Now it is a cold unwelcoming feeling. The burning pain of hateful words engraved in the SOUL never to be forgotten. How sad it is that "I love you." can seem so meaningless so quickly. The fake love, the animosity, the truth of it all. Happiness can't be spelled without 'i' and that in turn can become selfishness. On days like these...people like Classic...should be...hoping for better.


"I love you." the words rung in Classic's head those dreadful, dreadful words. Lies spun into a fairy tale to good to be true and he should've known. That not everything can end happily ever after. Classic stood in the kitchen a star clad skeleton in front of him blocking his path out of the sorrowful room. The air grew tense between the two as Classic looked up making eye contact with the stary skeleton he ONCE loved. "Yes...?" Classic asked his voice bearly above a whisper as he feared that if he spoke any louder that the skeleton before him would grow angry. Classic sunk down slightly as the skeleton known as Outer spoke "Where WERE you?" the taller grumbled in a drunken voice. He breath reeked of alcohol and he looked disheveled, he titered from side to side as he held a bottle of beer in his hand. The feeling of uneasiness grew as Classic's anxiety grew. "I-I...was out w-with Blue and Red..." Classic whispered in response. Outer raised a bone brow "Right...so you were b- *Hic* being a slut." Outer said thoughtlessly as he glared daggers down at the smaller who had begun to tremble. "N-no." Outer tsked his glare darkening "Sure, you know I do this all because of you Sansy." Outer said with such animosity Classic could almost feel his SOUL shatter. "It's all your fault Classic." His drunken voice rang out as tears slowly slid down his face. Why had those words hurt so much? He says them every day...what makes it so different now? Well, you try standing in front of the one you love while they belittle you. Accuse you of being a drunk...and...while it may not be true it feels like it is. Classic let out a shaky sigh as he balled up his fists he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a swift slap. 

Classic slowly put his hand on his cheek. The slap stung leaving a red boney handprint on his cheek. Classic's eyes were wide the pain could clearly be seen now, for he had no mask that could hide this pain. "Worthless." Outer spat. The smaller close his mouth his eye lights dimming tenfold as he looked at the ground "What joke. One of my bests I must say. Even I fell for it." Classic said loud enough to be heard throughout the whole house "What?" Outer asked in a dangerous tone his eyes glinting with danger. Classic could honestly care less, after years of...of THIS. He was done being the victim. "Love. Loving you. Ha, what a joke. I don't LOVE you anymore. I HATE YOU!"Classic screamed tears falling down his cheeks like waterfalls as he pushed Outer making the taller stumble in shock. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Classic yelled those being the only words he could seem to get out. "A-all...I wanted was...for you...to say...'I love you' one...more time. THEN I could die happily." Classic mumbled his SOUL ached "You...hate me?" Outer asked in drunken shock. His eyes wide, Classic didn't respond he...just stood there. "What happened...? Y-you...used to be so...Yo-...I...you hate me?" Outer mumbled his body felt heavier and heavier by the second. The crushing weight of what had just occurred coming down on him a full speed. He was all to sober right now...and he wishes he wasn't "When will it end?" Classic asked softly, Outer went to reach out but Classic just smacked his hand away "When...will you...finally stop?" Outer let his hand fall to his side. "When you leave." Outer didn't know what he was saying the mock anger in his voice wasn't directed towards Classic but rather at himself.


Outer stood in the doorway of the kitchen the very place where Classic had said those words. The house felt empty without his being here. Outer placed his hand on his clothed rib cage as he gripped at the dirty fabric. "I...miss...you..." He muttered sinking to his knees "I was a fool..." Outer laughed dryly "Your best joke yet." Outer whispered his voice breaking "S-so...will you...come back already...?" Outer asked desperately yet there was no one there to ask all except that of an empty almost destroyed room that he called a kitchen. "I miss your voice." Outer smiled at the thought of his voice that rung in his head the soft tune of his sensational voice playing like a broken record stuck on repeat. Outer laid on the ground of the cold dark room "H-hey...Sansy...S-so...I've sobered up...I...was a real...jerk wasn't I?" Outer mumbled and he wasn't wrong a jerk he was. He had hurt Classic so badly his words leaving scars on the smallers poor SOUL. Outer looked up at the ceiling a rope dangled precariously from the canopy clumsily thrown over the wooden support beam. He sighed shakily getting up, he tugged on the rope. "stop." Outer whispered his body freezing..."Stop?"...he was just mocking Classic now. He wants he old lover to die happily and he can't do that if he's still around right?...no...how selfish "What...right do I have to take a life...I'm nothing more than a sorry sack of..." Outer couldn't bring himself to cuss it leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.  "Mistakes...heh, I've made to...many to...count." He whispered before he dropped the rope leaving the room.


"Do you ever think about him?" A soft cheery voice asked "Of course" Classic answered looking up at the blue-clad skeleton that had asked the question "Don't you think...he's sorry?" Classic laughed bitterly "As if...If he were sorry. He would have said something by now. It's been four years." Classic spat getting a worried look from Blue who sighed "Classic...just for that reason you should talk to him. You won't feel better if you don't." Blue pressed on making Classic sigh. "...no..." Blue shook head "No isn't an answer anymore. You've put this off for four years." Blue said softly getting up of from his spot on the couch glaring softly at Classic "I-I know...but..." Blue tilted his head "But?" Classic sighed and hugged himself as he trembled "but...what if he hasn't changed." Blue chuckled dryly "Believe me. I think he's done enough changing." Blue smiled at Classic, who looked up at him in confusion "Go talk to him." Blue whispered only getting a small nod from Classic. Blue watched as Classic stood up making his way to the door he hastily opened the door before dashing out of said door when it was open. Questions fill Classic's mind Blues words giving him a slight hint of worry for the star clad skeleton he dreaded oh so much.


It was quite not a sound was made besides the sounds made from a weeping skeleton who sat on his almost broken couch he never thought his regret could get any worse. The weeping skeleton was cut off from a loud knocking at his door. Outer forced himself up and looked at the door...how long has it been since he had gone outside...? How long has it been since he opened that door? A year maybe...he doesn't know nor does he really care. Outer slowly walked to the door which another knock came. Outer slowly opened the door the light from outside flooding into the dark house making Outer hiss slightly and cover his eye just enough so he could see. To his utter shock, there stood someone he thought he would never see again "O-outer?" the soft voice rang out tears fell from Outer's eyes faster than they had before. The next thing Outer did happen so quickly he didn't even have time to respond to his own actions before he had engulfed Classic into a hug. The words that left his mouth held all his sorrow and all his remorse words that could never be taken selfishly and he had meant it with all his SOUL. He just hoped the wide-eyed skeleton in his arms knew just how much he had meant those words.

"I'm sorry..."

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