Sweetheart [Little Short Story Idea Thing]

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The Christmas party was roaring with life, people talking, joking, drinking, and running around like animals. Blue, Fresh, and Geno had gathered themselves around Error, much to everyone's confusion. While Blue had invited Error to come, no one thought the God would actually show up. They were almost in a way eager to actually see him for the first time, having never seen him before and if you had you didn't live long enough to tell the story. But much to everyone's disappointment as soon as Error arrived Blue, Fresh, and Geno flooded around him blocking him from everyone's view.

Fresh kept patting Error's head making the smaller glitch, while Geno calmly talked to him in an almost sweet motherly tone. Error had asked to have punch several times, but Geno kept denying him and giving him anything but the punch. Blue had jokingly spiked the punch, only to get scolded by the half-drunken Geno that Error would arrive. Then later getting scolded by Fresh who disapproved of any such activity. Fresh may have been invited by Blue to be a silent bodyguard, but he doesn't want to wield of drunk skeletons all night.

To the three skeletons, Error was still very much a child, and in a way, he really was, judging by the way he dressed, talked, and acted. He was a child, he may be older than all of them combined and physically looks like a short adult, but mentally Error was just a child. So much so that Error saw Blue as an idol. Error wanted to be just like Blue as a child would want to be their favorite TV superhero. Geno was like the mom he never had always taking care of him and making sure he was okay and happy. Doing things only a mother would do for her child, he tended to go overboard sometimes but it always came from a good place. Fresh on the other hand was like the weird fun uncle that the mother would disapprove of, but let come over anyways. They both helped take care of them any way they could and knew how to.

Ink on the other hand to Error was like the school bully always pushing him around. It upset Error greatly after every fight. He didn't destroy anything anymore, Geno told him that was bad. How was he supposed to know any better with nothing to judge right and wrong from? He didn't hurt anyone anymore and always made sure to say sorry if he did in the end. Sure, maybe he took a few things here and there, but he was going to give them back!

Just the thought of Ink yelling at him upset him, he just wanted to make Ink happy now. But every time he enters an AU Ink chases him away, throwing paint at him. He didn't have anything besides Blue, Fresh, Geno, and a few messed up doll from attempts at knitting. He just wanted to experience things everyone gets to! Error sighed softly and looked past Fresh and Geno onto the crowd of skeletons chatting and laughing. Why couldn't he go play with them too? What made him so different from everyone else? His looked away and started picking at his clothes, he sniffled catching Geno's attention rather quickly.

"Error? Honey are you okay?" He asked softly, his gaze softened at the sight of Error's smile frown. Fresh looked around amongst the group of people silently listening to Error. The small god kicked at the blank ground and looked away from Geno.

"WhY IS sss InK sO MEaN?" Error mumbled softly and started to fiddle with his red-rimmed glasses. Geno sighed softly and gently pulled Error's glasses off his face cleaning them while he spoke.

"Ink is jealous of you sweetie, you're pretty amazing you know? Who wouldn't be jealous of someone as cool, smart, pretty, and amazing as you!" Geno giggled with a small smile, Error perked up at this and looked at Geno in shock. A wide smile growing on the dark boned skeletons face.

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