Crossmare -I Call It Snuggle Season-

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Ahem! Sorry about that XD

Also, I have a question.

People keep saying I am no nice(Is that even a thing?) am I too nice?

I don't think I'm nice enough as it is!

anyways moving on to the chapter! I hope you enjoy!


It was a cold winter day Cross had on his fluffiest jacket, his scarf, a beanie(?), a thick sweater, mittens, and jeans along with his normal everyday shoes. Despite being inside with a fire lit in the fireplace he felt like he was freezing. Cross stood at one of the many windows in the living room watching the snow fall his breath visible in the cold air as he sighed, with a snowstorm like this the gang would be stuck in the house for a few days at the most. Cross looked behind him seeing Nightmare who had sat himself in front of the fireplace shivering he wore is normal clothing that consisted of a T-shirt, jacket, and shorts pretending that he was cold.

Cross chuckled a bit and walked over to Nightmare sitting next to him "Aren't you cold? Do you want me to get you a blanket or something?" Cross asked smiling at Nightmare and pointing at the blanket behind them Nightmare scoffed and avoided eye contact with Cross hugging himself "I'm not cold, and don't need a stupid blanket." Nightmare huffed Cross stayed silent for a moment and raised a bone brow looking at Nightmare suspiciously before he moved so that he was sitting in front of Nightmare "What are you doing?" Nightmare asked as he hugged his knees to his chest trying to distance himself from Cross as much as he could. Cross stayed silent as he gazed into Nightmares uneasy eyes. Cross took off he beanie still looking Nightmare in the eye with a straight face, Nightmare shifted slightly growing more uneasy under Cross gaze as he averted his gaze from Cross trying to change the subject but before he could even say anything Cross placed his beanie on Nightmares head chuckling as he did so. Cross smiled at Nightmare his hand still on the smallers head before he back away slightly seeing Nightmare growing increasingly angrier.

Nightmare placed a hand on the beanie griping the piece of clothing readying to take it off Nightmare then hissed at Cross his tentacles sharpened ready to attack Cross, but once again he was stopped by Cross who threw a blanket over him and chuckled at Nightmares startled yelp. Nightmare just sat there unmoving while keeping the blanket on top of him. Cross raised a bone brow at this and slowly approached the blanket covered smol "Nightmare?" Crossed asked in a low and soft tone slightly worried if Nightmare had gotten hurt. He knew that it was a silly thought seeing as he only threw a blanket at him but that didn't make him worry any less. Cross gripped the edge of the blanket, and slowly lifted the blanket up. Once the blanket was mostly out of the way Cross could see Nightmare who had his eye's closed and looked very peaceful at the moment Cross blushed a light purple at the sight finding Nightmare to be more than just cute. Nightmare sighed as he wrapped the blanket around his body and hugged the ends of the blanket to his chest looking at the fire that Cross had moved out of the way of to sit next to Nightmare where he had originally sat before this little mess be began. Cross brought his knees up and rested his arms on his knees then rested his head on his arms a moment of silence passed through the room. Nightmare nudged Cross getting his attention "Hey." Nightmare said in a soft and low tone making Cross look at him in curiosity before a bright purple blush covered his face as he looked at Nightmare who had a small light blue blush on his face and was holding out a side of the blanket silently offering half of the blanket to him.

Cross sighed trying to clam his blush down failing measurably as he scooted closer to Nightmare who rapped the blanket around both of them and gave the other end to Cross who in turn took the other end and held it closed with the help of Nightmare on the other side of the blanket. Cross looked at the floor with a small frown on his face as he tried to keep his distance from Nightmare. He only did this because he knew Nightmare wouldn't like being touched by him much less snuggled up to him. Nightmare who had his eyes closed opened on eye and looked at Cross and sighed as he scooted closer to him turning to the side a bit almost as if he were going to sit in his lap. Nightmare then leaned on Cross his head resting on Cross' cheek as he snuggled closer to said skeleton. Cross blushed more as Nightmare crawled on top of him laying his head on Cross' chest Nightmare's blush grew as he pushed Cross down still laying on top of him. Cross looked like a grape at this point as Nightmare snuggled up to him with his head rested on Cross' chest. Cross sighed as he wrapped his arms around the smaller skeleton who closed his eyes seeming relaxed in the taller's hold, Cross smiled and chuckled "Hey Nightmare." Cross said trying to hide the pride in his voice "What?" Nightmare asked opening one eye and looking up at Cross "You know what I like to call this season?" Cross asked with a smrik on his face Nightmare tilted his head in confusion "No?" Nightmare said in a very confused tone "Snuggle season." Cross said with a prideful voice as Nightmare laughed his face covered in blush "Very funny Cross." Nightmare said calming down from his laughing fit and responded in a joking/serious tone.

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