Poth -Sick-

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Yay! A chapter finally! I just updated my Scilened book and now this book YES SOME MUCH WORK HAS BEEN DONE! TvT

Anyways thank you for being patient with me and waiting for a new chapter to come out!


It was about eight in the morning normally for a kid Palette's age he wouldn't be up by this time but yet here he is sitting up in his bed Dream next to him and Ink in the kitchen getting some medicine for Palette who couldn't seem to stop coughing. Dream rubbed soothing circles into Palette's back a worried look plastered to his face. Palette whined in response as he tried to get his coughing to stop his chest hurt and his throat was dry and sore, tears had clouded Palette's vision "I know, I know, it'll pass sweetie Inky will be here soon. I promise." Dream cooed as Palette's coughing got harsher. Ink was in the room in a matter of seconds medicine in hand as he sat down on the bed and put the cup of medicine to Palette's lips(?). Palette despite hating the taste of the medicine had gulped it down thanking Ink in a hoarse voice as he wiped away his tears. His face was paler than usual. "Honey, I know you don't like being sick...but maybe you should stay home?...just for today?" Dream suggested getting a supportive nod from Ink. Palette groaned "No papa, I have to go to the daycare and help, besides...I'll be sick my whole life right?...so what does it matter? I have to learn to live with this illness and not let it be an excuse for not living my life." Palette mumbled getting a look of disapproval from both parents. Palette sighed and leaned on Dream "Please papa. I'll stay in bed tomorrow promise." Palette begged tomorrow was Saturday anyways so he could just always say he was busy. Dream let out a drawn out and heavy sigh before looking Palette directly in the eyes. "Fine, but you're staying in bed all day tomorrow!" said in a motherly voice glaring softly at Palette a glint in his eyes as if daring him to challenge him.    

Palette laughed and coughed a little but nodded anyways "Ok papa, promise." He smiled at Dream. Ink gave a hearty chuckle before he hugged Dream and Palette making both of them fall on the bed, Dream let out an 'OFF' while Palette let out a little cough. Ink sighed happily before letting them go and letting them get up. He got off the bed as well as pulling Dream up with him "Ok, Pal we'll let you get dressed and ready for 'work'. Breakfast will be done when you get downstairs!" Palette nodded happily despite his dad's joke about having a job or whatever. Ink and Dream soon left the room after giving Palette a kiss on the head.


Palette walked through the portal to the daycare AU, ya he didn't live in the world he just pretended to so did, Goth and Cray and maybe a few others. Anyways Palette was now at the daycare and when he opened the door he was greeted by an annoyed PJ who was trying to get Error and Fresh to get along. Palette snickered and walked over to PJ and the children "Heya guys! Didn't miss me too much did ya?" Palette asked in his normally over-enthusiastic tone making PJ jump and Fresh giggle while Error glared "No!" he spat Palette just patted Error's head knowing he didn't really mean it, thou it still hurt "Don't touch me!" Error shrieked before storming off to go sulk in a corner. Palette laughed nervously PJ stood up almost towering over him, PJ patted his head and smiled at him "No worries Palette. Error's just grumpy. CQ said he didn't get a whole lot of sleep." Palette hummed and nodded before the door to the daycare opened revealing Goth and Cray who seemed to be chatting up a storm. Palette could feel his SOUL wrench his let out a small almost unnoticeable sigh. PJ walked over to greet them and give them tasks for the day as he normally does. Palette sat on the ground and talked to Fresh who seemed to be very talkative today, Fresh had taken up a seat on Palette's lap as he talked about his day yesterday and about his brothers. Palette had a soft smile on his face as he listened to Fresh talk, he honestly thought it was the cutest thing ever how much they cared for each other.

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