Small Sneak Peak At The New Book Coming Out Soon

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As if strings of steel have been sown through his lips the soul was silenced.

As if someone had carved the soul out of his chest the soul was emotionless.

Both quite about the pain they felt,

-They cried alone,

Marks were left on both.-

Blue streaks to represent pain, 

His cheeks to be forever stained.

A body of tattoos,

To represent creativity fueled by the sea of tears. 

Both lost to war, 

-They fight for what the lost,

They fight because the mere reflection of pain is too much.-

A permanent reminder of what should NOT be.


A blue-clad skeleton set the torn and crumpled piece of paper down he sighed heavily and looked among the other scattered papers on the floor.

“Still working on that old thing bro?” The tall skeleton grimaced and glanced over the papers, the smaller skeleton huffed and looked up at his brother in frustration.

“Yes, I am, I believe this ‘Old Thing’ has something important to tell me! Why else would Error give it to me?” The blue skeleton proclaimed his star-shaped eye lights sparkling at the mention of his friend.

“To mess with you. Error is not your friend Sans, he kidnapped you for Asgore’s sake!” The taller boomed, his temper spiking with the mention of ‘Error’. He roughly shoved his hands into his pockets, glaring at his younger brother. Sans matched his brother’s glare and stood up in his frustration he knocked some of the papers about scattering them.

“You just don’t get it Pappy! I’ve told you over and over again! Error did not kidnap me! Why won’t you believe me?” Sans looked at his older brother the fire of frustration boiling down to sadness. Papyrus sighed and rubbed his face as if trying to wash away any frustration he may feel.

“Listen, bro, I know you think you can make friends with everyone and that everyone is a good person. But this guy, Error, he’s nothing but a cold-hearted killer, I’m only trying to keep you safe.” Papyrus muttered and placed a hand on Sans’ shoulder giving him a gentle smile,

“...Okay, Papyrus.” Sans smiled back at his brother though it was strained, Sans moved back from his brother letting the hand that rested on his shoulder fall away. He shook his head slightly and leaned down picking up the papers, he glanced each one over as he picked them up. He stacked them up in their respective order and stood up leaving to his room to hide the papers.

Sans trudged up the stairs and into his room closing the door behind him, he set the papers on his bed and sighed deeply. “My name is Blue, not Sans,” Blue whispered to himself and looked around his room, looking for a good place to hide these papers and keep them safe from his brother.


She whispered,

-"Am I real?"

"Or Am I fake?"-

"What little detail did you miss?"

-"Where am I?"

"Where am I?"-

"Where am I?"

-"Please. I'm lost."-

She spoke,

"How beautiful am I?"

Pretty little bluebird,

Stuck in my cage.


Save our souls.-

Sing me a song,

Pretty little bluebirds,

Listen to my song.


Dancing around the other, two souls bound together.


Each with their own allies they set the world on fire.


Turning one after another against each other,


War has begun,


The war drums sound,


There will be no calm in the storm foretold to come.


Bang! Bang! Bang!


Here they come.


"Are you ready for our game?"

"Let's see."

"How Crazy you are."

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