Secret Love (Error x Sci)

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Anyway this was a request! SO I

I really needed to get it done tbh ":3

Anyway! I hope you enjoy!


It's been seven long years, in those years Sci and Error have managed to grow closer, after the long agonizingly slow years, Error had began to really trust Sci, they became closer over tome, another year passed and Sci confessed to Error, which startled the glitchy skeleton, Error accepted and they've been together ever since. Although they had to keep quite about their relationship, much to Sci's dismay. If they didn't word would get to Ink and he would would be marked an outlaw. Though they've managed to silence his tongue about it, he stayed quite for the sake of his lover and himself. In that time frame Sci had also been helping Error with his phobia, even if he only let Sci touch him, the smaller was happy with his improvement over the years.


The lab was quiet, the only sounds that could really be heard were the quite clinks of glass and a soft humming. Sci stood at his desk working away the night, he smiled stepping back when he finished his work, a small contained iceatob sat on his desk, a mixture of something sitting next to its container. He pulled his glasses from his face and cleaned them with his sweater, once he put them back on he looked up and yelped he quickly covered his mouth to silence himself. Error stood in front of him looking at his work until he was startled by Sci's sudden yelp. He quickly looked behind him to make sure the smaller was okay. Error sighed seeing he was fine, he gave Sci a toothy grin, Sci shook his head smiling softly, Error had to be more careful or they'd get caught, he loves Error sure, but he's going to get caught one of these days, then he'll be marked as a traitor...Sci's smile dropped at that thought, Error quickly nodded this and tilted his head in worry. "ScI? Is sOMeThiNg wrOnG?" Error's glitchy voice snapped Sci out of his thoughts "O-oh! It's nothing! R-really!" Sci stuttered through his sentence trying to brush it off, he gave Error a strained smile. Error sighed he couldn't press on the matter, knowing Sci he'd just change the conversation. Sci sighed and looked away fidgeting nervously, why did Error have to be an outlaw? Or be seen as bad, he was so nice, sure maybe he didn't have the greatest, 'job' but he wasn't bad! Besides his destroying has slowed down now! Error sighed and slowly grabbed Sci's hand making himself glitch slightly, Sci looked at Error slightly startled by his movements, but he smiled at him anyway, he was glad he could just hold hands with Error. He turned to face him and hugged him burying his face into his chest for a moment. Error hugged him back with a glitchy sigh, soon Sci pulled away and smiled at Error. When Sci pulled away again Error held his hand again, a smile crossing his face. Sci slowly held his hand back, he blushed slightly at this he sighed and looked behind him for a moment. A set of stairs leading out of the basement seemed to haunt him. What if someone saw them? What if someone walked downstairs? Panic seemed to set in for only but a moment, he was quickly distracted by Error who's grip on his hand tightened, "StOP wOrrYinG iT'lL be OkaY." Error spoke in the softest voice he could, he smiled at Sci and slowly let go of his hand much to Sci's dismay. "O-okay." Sci stuttered but he couldn't help but look at the stairs again. This relationship of his and Error's had to be kept under wraps, no one could know, no one! They'd get in so much trouble if Ink or anyone for that matter found out. Sci would be tossed out like trash, he let out a shaky sigh his thoughts starting to take over. Why did it have to be like this? Why did it have to be that they could only see each other at night. He didn't want Error to be his secret Romeo, and him his Juliet. He wanted Error to be his known lover, but alas, that couldn't happen. "WhY doN'T yoU tEll Me WHat, YouR wOrkInG oN." Error spoke up jolting Sci out of his thoughts, the short skeleton took a moment before he lit up and quickly nodded. "Sure!" He then ranted on about what he was doing, Error seemed board but smiled at Sci, he wasn't as passionate about science as he was, but to him it was cute when he ranted about it, the way his eyes lit up and a smile stretched across his face. He seemed so happy when he talked about science Error couldn't help but smile as he watched Sci talk, he was soon pulled out of his thoughts as Sci came to a stop. "ThAt'S rEallY cOOl SCi" Error hummed even if he hadn't really been listening, Sci nodded quickly with a large smile on his face. "It is really cool! But! How about you tell me about your day!" Sci enthused pulling up two chairs for him and Error to sit on, Error gladly sat in the chair while Sci sat across from him. "My DaY? WEll It wASn't AnYthInG SpeCiAl." Error hummed his voice changing in octaves every now and then. Sci propped his head upon his hand as he listened to Error talk, he could listen to his low and gruff voice for hours. It made him smile every time he spoke his name, a small blush crossed his cheeks as Error continued on with his story, he was love-struck, he had fallen hard for the glitchy skeleton in front of him and there was nothing he could do about it. He was rendered helpless against him. He giggled at Error's frustration against Ink, he was always grumpy when it came to Ink, but whenever Error spoke about Sci he smiled not that he noticed really. Error narrowed his eyes at Sci, "WhAt'S sO fUnnY?" he grumbled Sci giggled again causing Error to pout. "Nothing, nothing! Sorry, please continue!" Sci hummed softly smiling at Error, the black-boned skeleton huffed. "RiGhT, aS I wAs SaYiNG! Do YoU wAnT tO cOmE To ThE aNtI-VoId wItH mE?" Error offered, scratching the back of his neck nervously, Error had taken Sci to his 'home' a few times but he'd always had to leave, Error was scared of him getting glitched out like him. He gave Sci a strange smile, which made the smaller giggle. "Sure!" Sci jumped up as Error smiled at him, the glitched skeleton stood up and opened a portal for them, he couldn't help but chuckle as Sci jumped into the portal, he quickly followed after him closing the portal behind him.


A few hours have passed by now and Sci was starting to get tired, they had been watching Error's favorite Tv show for a while now, and chatted here and there, Sci's eyes started to close as he rocked back and forth, soon enough he was out like a light, he body collapsed against Error startling him. Error quickly looked down at Sci, he smiled at him and sighed, he shouldn't sleep here and he knows it, but he wasn't about to move him. Sci looked to peaceful to wake up now. He moved his arm allowing Sci to sleep on his chest, he wrapped his arms around him and leaned back into the large bean bag. He looked back at his show and sighed seeing it had ended, he closed the portal and looked up at his strings, and souls hanging from what was supposed to be the ceiling. He sighed and closed his eyes, sleeping while it was a waste of time for him, he didn't mind it. He relaxed and pulled Sci closer when had they started dating again? It was so long ago that he doesn't remember... he loved Sci so much, it didn't really matter how long they had been together. This was nice, Sci cuddled up to him while he slept, Error holding him close. Maybe, they could do this more often. It was peaceful, Error let a smile plaster itself to his face as he relaxed for once. He opened one eye before drifting of and looked at Sci. The smaller slept peacefully, a light blush tinted his cheeks, as he slept, he clung to Error's trench coat. Error couldn't help but smile at the sight, he took a deep breath, he's hasn't really done this to much, but with that being said maybe he should do it more. He leaned down and planted a small kiss on his forehead...maybe he was getting better after all. He had some doubts but now, now he knows it's true. And it was all thanks to Sci, Error hugged Sci close and kissed his forehead again, the smooth bone making contact with his lips(?). He closed his eyes again, he could trust Sci and knowing that he fell asleep peacefully. Holding his lover close, this was nice, and he would never let Sci go, no matter what, Error would love Sci. And he knew Sci would love him back all the same. This was true happiness.

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