Always Remember [ErrorBerry]

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Silence ruled over the Au the only thing that could be heard was the faint breeze that rustled the grass beneath the two skeletons. The two sat on the edge of OuterTales many cliffs sides. One of the skeletons had blackened bones, glitches dancing around his body and fizzling out only to reappear moments later. His bones yielded a coloration of red, yellow, blue, and black, his fingers started at yellow before turning to red then ending in black. His eyes were multicolored, one eye was just a small white dot that flickered out every now and again, the other was a large eye light that was wrapped into two colors. A bright yellow that faded into a deep royal blue. A smile was plastered to the small skeleton’s skull as he gazed at the stars before of him, his feet swung back and forth as they dangled off the edge of the cliff. The taller skeleton that sat next to him had flawlessly white bones a blue scarf tied skillfully into a bow around his neck. He wore a hand-knitted sweater that blanketed every inch of his torso keeping him warm. His eyes were a piercing ice blue that would shock anyone who saw them, he wore baby blue boots that confined his jeans inside of them keeping the cold away. A smile adorned his face as he observed the glittering sky, the light flirting with the darkness both complimenting each other perfectly. The glitchy skeleton looked up at the slightly taller skeleton that rested next to him his smile only seemed to grow. The taller skeleton quickly caught the smallers gaze and smiled while chuckling softly. “What are you looking at Error?” The taller skeleton asked in a quiet teasing tone.

The black boned skeleton jolted and shook his head quickly, his face ignited in a blue and yellow hue. “N-noThIng SoRRy BLuE!” Error quickly apologized and looked away embarrassed for getting caught staring. Blue smiled at him and sighed softly as he looked back at the stars, he knows being around Error is dangerous and he could very well get hurt, but a part of him didn’t care. He just wanted to experience the better of life with Error at his side, Blue’s smile faltered for a second. Of course, doing this would be difficult seeing as not everyone liked Error as much as he did. He looked back at his smaller skeletal friend he loved the excitement that seemed to glitter in his eyes every time he looked at or talked about stars. 

“Hey, Error, can you promise to remember something for me?” Blue spoke softly and slowly a small smile etched into his face. Error looked at him in slight confusion but nodded nevertheless. “Promise you’ll remember this no matter what, okay?” Blue spoke firmly and grabbed Error’s hand making the smaller glitch slightly.

OkAy! I PrOmISe!” Error smiled and tilted his head to the side while he waited for Blue to speak, Blue smiled at how cute Error can be just having a normal conversation. He shook his head slightly and straightened up. 

“If there’s ever a tomorrow we’re not together...there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart...I’ll always be with you.” Blue whispered and gripped onto Error’s hand. The smaller glitchy skeleton just seemed to smile and laugh softly blush taking over his face. Blue slowly started to laugh as well as he brought Error’s hand to his forehead, he lowered his hand slowly and placed a ghost-like kiss on his knuckles, a baby blue blush staining his cheeks. 

I ThInK wE DreAM So We DoN’T hAve To BE aPaRt fOr So LoNg. If wE’Re In EAch oThEr’S DReAms, We cAn bE tOgEthEr aLl ThE TiMe.” Error whispered breathlessly into the air a smile on his face. Blue chuckled softly and nodded slowly the blush on his cheeks worsening each passing second. 

A large smile suddenly broke across Blue’s face as he looked up at Error, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” he chuckled softly as Error’s face lit up at the sudden comment. Error paused for a moment before he started to laugh, he threw himself at Blue and wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. Blue chuckled and hugged Error back in slight surprise at the sudden hug. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, he can already picture Error’s smiling face making his soul skip a beat. 

“Hey, Error.”


“...I love you.”

A small giggled echoed out into the endless night sky a small chuckled followed the giggle. 

I LoVe yOU toO.


Happy late Halloween! And this isn't even a Halloween story! Honestly, I'm sorry this is so short, like really short. But I hope this slightly makes up for not posting as of late. It's short but sweet and I hope you guys like it. But I do hope to posting more short stories like this one, or getting my books back up and running! :3

Again hope you liked the short story thank you for being so patient with me.

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