04 .

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TAEHYUNG [16:48] :
did we agree 16:30 ?

TAEHYUNG [16:53] :
lol i'm just chillin by myself i guess

TAEHYUNG [16:53] :
srsly u coming ?

TAEHYUNG [16:55] :
running late or just stood me up ?

TAEHYUNG [17:26] :
lol guess i got stood up : (


Dejectedly, I place my mug to the side, retracing my gaze across the very object I've been eyeing for the past two hours: the coffee stains clamber up the sides of the cup, attaching themselves to the glorious white china and tainting it with the mocking stench of coffee.

The cold hits my skin as I make my way out of the door, awkwardly making eye contact with the barista who had watched empathetically as I got stood up.

This experience isn't really something I'm used to and I'm honestly at a loss for how to react. I'm unsure whether I should curl up in a ball and cry or just brush this off as a disquieted memory that will become just that within a few months: a memory. Yet, there's something about this ordeal that hurts; something that sets my stomach ablaze in an uproar of discontentment.

Previously it had been a delightfully idyllic atmosphere; the blue blanket of sky intermingled with the appearance of pink cotton, drifting serenely amidst a sea of tranquility.

Yet now, it's as if my inner-turmoil has manifested itself within the air and created a dark and acrid aura around me. My beige jacket scarcely defends me from such abhorrences as wind, which only worsens my mood - a frown firmly slathering itself across my lips.

By the time I reach 'home', the bitter descent of night has begun to cling at the edges of sky, coaxing the light blue from the world and replacing it with a deathly black.

As soon as I'm safely within the realms of my friend's house, I scuttle into the living room, to be greeted by my best friend's boyfriend, watching the TV lazily.

Kim Seokjin works part time as a chef in a local Korean restaurant and is the boyfriend of my gay-ass best friend Namjoon. Since dropping out of high school, he was kind enough to take me in and I've grown rather fond of him, honestly.

"Tae, you're back."

The neon sign behind him - courtesy of my eye for design - flickers disdainfully, the violet streams overtaking the room and enforcing an era of class to inundate the cleanly living space.

"I'm back." I grumble, tucking my pink-tinged fingers inside my pockets.

"You don't look too happy, date not go well?"

"Wasn't a date, first of all, and second, it didn't go well, because it didn't go at all: the guy didn't show."

I watch in horror as Jin's face contorts into one of amusement, his eyes alight with a bemused spectacle. His high-pitched laughter only makes matters worse, causing the insatiable need for my fists to clench.

"It's not funny." I scowl, slumping down onto one of the plush lounge chairs - again, courtesy of my interior design skills. My body sinks into the cushions, symbolising my slow digression toward darkness; my body overcome with this abundant wave of desolation.

"S-sorry," he gasps between spurts of laughter, "but it truly is."

I groan exasperatedly, "it truly is not."

"It is, it's funny to see the almighty Kim Taehyung put in his place."

"You're saying my place is teetering along the edge of depression?"

"Sheesh, so dramatic." Jin rolls eyes, "you got stood up by one guy, you've been with so many, why get so pent up over somebody you were bound to get bored of anyway?"


Jin gives me a pitiful glance, folding his arms in a condescending way, "stop pouting and admit this isn't a big deal."

"What if he's the one?"

"I could swear I've heard those words before..? Oh, that's right, those were the exact words that came from your mouth after the last guy who played hard to get. If I recall, you left him as soon as he showed true feelings, hm?"

"This guy's different, my heart is genuinely aching right now."

"Gee, you are a handful. I guess now you know how those other guys feel."

Closing my eyes, I plummet further into the dark sofa, my body a vacant beacon of emptiness.

"Oh, I see what this is," Jin's voice is laced with a malicious understating as he speaks, "you're turning on the dramatics and mentally preparing yourself for this challenge; you simply can't bare the thought of somebody not falling for your charms. Let me guess, you're going to go to extreme lengths to get this guy to like you, just so you can salvage your worthless pride?"

A hollow silence saturates the room and I feel his eyes against my body. Although I'm not looking at him, I can see the rue radiating from his soft gaze.

Slowly, I pry open an eyelid, glancing at him through my hair, a low smirk tugging at my lips, "oh, you know me so well."


short chapter of slight angst ?? i suppose ???

and yes that gif is vmin, highly out of context lmao

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