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"Who the fuck buys only fruit from a weekly shop?"

Lazily, I crumple Jin's shopping list within my palm, demonstrating a false concoction of strength. My gaze then falls upon the shopping trolley, filled to the brim with every variety of fruit one could imagine.

Screw it, I'm getting chocolate.

Dragging the barrage of cleansed colours behind me, I traipse through the supermarket toward the aisle that contains the most refined of sugary treats.

That's where I see him: standing like an immaculate dollop of strawberry ice cream, the sweet cream melting beneath my heated eye. Feathery hair, the colour of pink petals, rests in an abundance of curls atop his head, his features equally as gorgeous as they were when I first met him.

"My my, if it isn't a strawberry-flavoured Park Jimin hunting down the candy aisle." I sing, immediately catching his attention.

"Oh, Taehyung!" He gasps in a hushed voice, "you scared me.."

"Sorry." I smirk indecently, taking ample steps toward him.

"What do you mean strawberry-flavoured?"

"Your hair, love."

"Ah," dreamily, he runs cute fingers through his mutually sweet hair, like running a stick through a candy floss machine, "I got in a lot of trouble with my dance instructor."

"Fuck 'em." I respond, earning an adorably shocked expression from Jimin, "are you stalking me, boy?"


"Everywhere I go, you always seem to show up."

"No, Taehyung, I have better things to do than stalk your gross-ass."

"Ouch." I fake being hurt, whilst I'm secretly adoring this sarcastic side to Jimin: it makes him seem more comfortable with me.

He smiles, turning his head back to where he had been staring previously, "why'd you have so much fruit?"

"Hmm..?" I follow his gaze toward my trolley and smirk, "oh, right, my friend has a fetish for vegetables."

He gives me on odd look, scanning my features for any hint of sincerity, "there is no friend, is there?" He kids, making me chuckle.

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