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The warmth a duvet is supposedly meant to provide isn't even emendable anymore. I lay underneath the confinements of countless white bedsheets, yet cold blood still courses through my veins. Goosebumps arise against my skin, forcing shivers down my spine and coaxing a deathly feeling to compensate for my current lack of emotion.

This cold fortress of solitude, however, is rudely taken from me as a heavy object collides with my concealed arms.

"You've been there for two days."
Yoongi's unapologetic voice brings everything into perspective.

After succumbing to my usual worrisome state, I had found a haven within the realms of my mattress. Due to my fears of the world, my bed quickly became a pitstop for replenishing my mental health after a breakdown; it became a place where I can shun the darkness and surround myself with warmth. It's the easy way out of your troubles.

"Get up." He demands.

"What's the point?" I grumble through tufts of duvet, my voice a muffled shrill of syllables. He responds by hitting me harshly with his fist. "Ouch." I reply in a smarmy manner, which prompts him to repeat his action.

"You can't always hide from your problems, Jimin."

"Thought you weren't talking to me." Curiously, I poke my head from the top of the covers and am slightly startled by my roommates appearance.

Face doused in makeup, a set of ostentatious earrings adorn each ear. His platinum locks portray the image of allure, gloriously highlighting his features. He looks handsome. But not his usual, laid back handsome, it's a more self-applied handsome; the kind that requires effort.

"Are you going somewhere?" I cock a brow, my previously dreary mood dispersing somewhat.

"More like I just got back, because, despite you shielding yourself from the world, it is, in fact, four pm."

"Huh." I pause for a moment, prying my body limply from the mattress, peeling my clothes from the imprint my body has made from my lack of movement, "where'd you go?"

"Just with Hoseok, why?"

"Just Hoseok?"


"Then why try so hard with the appearance, hm? Could it be you're finally reciprocating his feel-"

"Shush! You know I'm not gay."

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