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Jubilance disgorges from my form as I move. Even though vulgar eyes leech to my skin, the happiness within me blocks them out and my body reels forward no matter.

I propel my legs, allowing bulbous exhilaration to spout from my fingertips, dousing the air around me with joy.

Ecstasies of rapture expel any negative thoughts from my being and sunshine leaks through my grin. I'm so compelled by beatitude that I'm unfazed by the fact the entire class of prestigious dancers are judging my movements.

I dance just as I had done with Taehyung two nights ago, keeping his face in mind as more happiness radiates from me.

It's as the melodies of the song seem to fade into silence and dim yawns echo across the room, that my heart falls in synch with the remainder of the world.

It's as though I become aware of everything and my heart stops pumping so rapidly and wooziness suddenly takes control.

My feet get twisted and my form crumbles, my body reeling forward from a pirouette and making me an elegantly hideous mess on the floor.

Hesitantly, I bring myself from the floor to be met with bland expressions of fraudulent concern.

Miss Honeywell helps me to my feet, muttering fickle comforts.

But I'm still woozy.


"It looked like you fainted." Hoseok unhelpfully informs me later that day.

The three of us had vacated the dance college early in order for me to hide away in my apartment and wish my existence was just a figment of some sadist's imagination.

Yoongi is sat beside Hoseok on our boring sofa (which is no way comparable with Taehyung's), aimlessly sipping a coffee, and giving me pitiful eyes, "what actually happened?"

"He collapsed." Jungkook proclaims for me, for some reason sounding rather amused.

"Yeah, thanks, Kook." I roll my eyes at the bemusement etched across his features,"I tripped, you guys are making a big deal over nothing."

"No, you didn't just trip, your eyes went all shaky." Hoseok inputs, carelessly leaning against Yoongi.

I'm slightly surprised when Yoongi doesn't push him away, instead allowing the younger's head to rest upon his shoulder. It's actually a rather sweet sight - well it would be if I wasn't so consumed by sickly humiliation.

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