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The town is alight against the crystalline surface of the lake. Faint silhouettes of buildings illuminate the scintillating haze of blue that makes up the water. We sit on the edge of a bridge. Normally it's bustling with people, but, due to the darkness, it's void of all humanity. It's also frightfully cold, yet we're eating ice cream like it's nothing. Our feet dangle over the edge, through the bars, making us feel like we're flying, when, in reality, we're perfectly safe.

The low hubbub of meandering traffic melts into nothingness as the minutes drag on. Beside me, Taehyung finishes his ice cream and I can feel the unchaste chocolate of his eyes trailing over me.

"Cher-ee." he lulls his head forward, keeping his gaze on me - always on me.

An unsuppressed smile leaks out across my face, "you remember that?"

"Sure do," a dim chuckle escapes his own lips, "you know, there's something I realised."

"Another epiphany?"

Playfully nodding, he looks out across the vast, black distillation of water, the reflection of light illuminating his features, "it's almost been two months and I still haven't uncovered much about you."

"You make it sound as though there's a lot to uncover."

He cocks a brow, smiling faintly, "of course."

"Well, sorry to disappoint, but there's nothing much to know: I was born in Busan on October 13th 1995, I had a normal childhood with loving parents and moved here when I got a scholarship in the dance school."

"Those are just facts, Jim, that's not knowing you."

"There's literally nothing to know."

"What about Yoongi, how'd you guys meet?"

"Yoongi?" I'm slightly curious as to why Taehyung brought him up, but don't question it, "he's a little older than me and I met him during his last year of high school. He goes to a music-tech school here, so has his own apartment. When I got my scholarship, he suggested I just move in with him."

Taehyung smiles lowly, sipping the milkshake he had insisted on buying, "he's really protective over you."

"Is he now?"

"Mmm, he was a bit aggressive at the door."

"Oh shit, did he do something-"

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