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I feel inexplicably nervous and I haven't a clue why. It's not particularly fancy a restaurant and it's filled with faces of splendour, yet I still find my heart beating at a bizarrely high velocity. My nervous manner prompts me to consume more of the revolting gin that had been presented to me, my alcoholic mannerisms coming into play as I fall in love with the foul taste.

"Tae, dude, take it easy." Namjoon scolds me, pulling my glass from my hand with ease, due to me being pathetically weak.

"Aw, TaeTae's nervous." Jin coos, worsening my mood and piling anger atop the mountain of nerves brewing in my belly.

"Shut your mouth or I'll shove this knife down your oesophagus." I threaten him, grabbing the nearest piece of cutlery to me.

"That's a spoon, you tank." Jin sneers, jokingly thwacking my head with his own spoon, but, despite his joking means, it still hurts like hell, making me seethe in pain.

"How childish." Namjoon tuts, sipping my gin, with a somewhat hyperbolic shake of his head. This only prompts Jin to also whack him with a spoon, although harder than he hit me, making Namjoon release a, "hey!" Before copying the action.

I laugh slightly as they continue to hit each other with spoons, until I feel another, new spoon enter this arena and hit my own head, then Jin's and finally Namjoon's. A chorus of 'ouch's disperses across the spread of the table, and we all simultaneously peer up to see a tall brunet, with an adorable smile etched to his features, which almost juxtaposes the toned muscles easily seen through his white shirt.

"Sorry, I thought we were having a spoon fight." He chuckles, sliding into a seat right next to me — and I mean right next to me. I recognise him instantly as the one who had been around Jimin's house, yet don't remember his name at all.

"Oh, hey, it's Jungkook, right?" Namjoon greets him, smiling welcomingly and I realise this must be the friend they met in the café the other day.

"Sure is, Namjoon. And you're Seokjin and Kim Taehyung." He nods, chuckling to himself and I'd almost suspect he's high, if it weren't for the fact he's too clean looking.

"You can just call me Tae." I tell him as sweetly as possible, whilst snatching my drink back from Namjoon and taking a gigantic gulp.

"Oo, I love nicknames!" He claps his hands together childishly, "people used to call me Jungcock and Jungle Book back in high school."

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